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Philosophy - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Philosophy

"Just because you get 100% on something doesn't mean your work is perfection. You just reached the expectations."

For the movie The Girl in the Cafe(HBO movie)
Girl: "I was in jail for hurting a man"
Man: "Why? What'd he do?"
Girl: "He hurt a child."
Man: "Was it your child?"
Girl: "Does it matter?"

Abraham Lincoln:
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

2006-09-10 09:42:51 · 29 answers · asked by Pro-Jolie 2

I'm talking about absolutely certain predictions, with no chance of error, and as much detail as asked for. It seems to me that free-will would be meaningless, as all your choices would be predetermined. What do you think?

2006-09-10 09:42:44 · 11 answers · asked by juicy_wishun 6

2006-09-10 09:35:32 · 30 answers · asked by Anarchist Skywalker 7

some that could change my life

2006-09-10 09:31:57 · 18 answers · asked by tazz001 2

2006-09-10 09:30:45 · 39 answers · asked by Epitome 2

2006-09-10 09:28:09 · 2 answers · asked by [deleted] 1

i have a phobia of toasters...(well,everyone thinks i do!) anyone else have really weird,but funny phobias?

2006-09-10 09:26:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's suppose that someone makes a mistake because of his/her character.
And I don’t mean accidents, I mean mistakes like cheating, lying, stealing or anything else that was done due to his character traits.
Of course when the mistake is exposed most of the times people are sorry and they ask for forgiveness.
Do they deserve it?
Did they really regret or do they just say so?
Probably they will do the same thing in similar situation and have more experience in covering it up. In order to change things in your character you have to go through very strong experiences. True remorse is not easy and doesn’t become easier when you get away with no pain from your mistakes.
If they are forgiven what is the lesson that they take?
Everybody (including me) likes second chances.
But should we have it?
Does it make us better or it makes us worse?

2006-09-10 09:25:53 · 10 answers · asked by Divra 3

does anyone know any cases of wrongly accused murderers or bombers put to death by capital punishment? im doing a very important debate on it,and i have looked EVERYWHERE for cases! im on my wits end! please help ;)

2006-09-10 09:23:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dog is afraid of the lawn mower (At least he at first). But that is perfectly reasonable fear for a dog. If he gets too close to my lawn mower he can be hurt. I can only imagine what sort of assault on the senses a lawn mower is to an animal.

Think of your own senses. If you heard a loud explosion would you not immediately run in the opposite direction. Think if the explosion inside your lawn mower.

Another example, when something feels "icky" or "yucky," say a dead dog. Most people would be scared to pick it up. There are others who would say it is stupid to pick up a dead dog without first putting on gloves and covering your face.

Would fear be rational in both cases? Not because it is "yucky" or nasty. but beause a person can in fact die from illness by touching a dead animal (or a sick one).

yes Im bored.

2006-09-10 09:11:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

everyone knows that american and british always show that they are very upset about wars in between other countries. but everyone knows that they r the people who sell weapons to poor countries and arrange wars inbetween them. they need war to sell there weapons. why nobody againts them. why people blind. why other countries cant see this why united nations cant see this. why?

2006-09-10 09:04:37 · 15 answers · asked by patrick delmon 2

Are you happy with your "Lot"? What could you do to make yourself/others Happier? What would be the one thing that would make your life complete.. (lottery win, yes, but more than that...)

2006-09-10 08:02:41 · 22 answers · asked by paulrb8 7

1. You'll get the same distance in life if you don't remember the past then if you live in it.

2. I don't have calories, don't label me or anyone else.

3. People who are ready to brave death are often the ones who still have life to face.

4. Destiny is real. When we defy destiny, that is when we are on our own.

5. To be naive is to believe what one is told. To be closeminded is to only believe what is known by others. To have faith is to believe in what one knows, but cannot be seen.

If not, which ones do you live by?

2006-09-10 07:51:39 · 17 answers · asked by ~S~ is for Stephanie! 6

I like to make up my own life mottos with meaning. What is your favorite and what does it mean to you? I like:

1. You'll get the same distance in life if you don't remember the past then if you live in it.

2. I don't have calories, don't label me or anyone else.

3. People who are ready to brave death are often the ones who still have life to face.

4. Destiny is real. When we defy destiny, that is when we are on our own.

5. To be naive is to believe what one is told. To be closeminded is to only believe what is known by others. To have faith is to believe in what one knows, but cannot be seen.

What do you think? Yours?

2006-09-10 07:45:35 · 29 answers · asked by ~S~ is for Stephanie! 6

2006-09-10 07:38:12 · 11 answers · asked by Clifford I 1

any special place which gives you a feeling of inner peace and contentment so you can clear your mind and think things through???

i do......

2006-09-10 07:16:15 · 14 answers · asked by S 4

2006-09-10 07:14:10 · 8 answers · asked by Sally Pepsi 4

Do all human actions have a selfish motive? A man gives money to a beggar. Is it purely selfless, or is he donating the money so he doesn't feel bad, so he doesn't feel guilty, etc.? Ayn Rand thinks everything is in self-interest.

2006-09-10 06:42:22 · 20 answers · asked by t c 3

Do you believe human life, and life in general, is inherently meaningless other than the meaning we individually ascribe to it?

2006-09-10 06:41:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-10 06:30:27 · 36 answers · asked by richard n 2

2006-09-10 06:27:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


Im having really bad mood swings right now!!! What the heck do I do??? Going crazy here? somebody talk to me!!!! .........................

2006-09-10 06:12:48 · 12 answers · asked by Sarah T 1

Also, did the "Golen" have anything to do with it?

2006-09-10 06:12:17 · 6 answers · asked by ? 6

body, mind, intellect, none of these, something else?

2006-09-10 06:08:31 · 10 answers · asked by t c 3

It is not pleasing to think so, yet it is undeniable that warfare is an integral part of humankind's heritage. And after thousands of years of practice, we are very, very good at it.

2006-09-10 05:59:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why do people Judge people they have never meet in person, they judge them by what they read and hear.... Like people judge me because I'm 17 and have a 3 year old. Are you me? do You live my life? Do you go through everything I go through? No! so why judge? Why do people judge? Some one please tell me cause I dont understand, is it because people get joy out of it, or is it addictive, a habit? What is your reason for judging someone?

2006-09-10 05:57:08 · 22 answers · asked by Sarah T 1

If science could PROVE there was no God would all theists give up their beliefs?

On the other-hand, if God was proven to exist and that every word of the bible was absolutely true, would us atheists take up worship?

Please don't argue, "but you can't prove God exists or not", this is a purely hypothetical question. Imagine that absolute proof was given. Well, would you?

2006-09-10 05:36:32 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

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