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Arts & Humanities - 30 November 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

I thought Nazis anti-Catholic, but then I read that many of the Nazis officers grew up Catholic, even Hitler. How is this?

2007-11-30 09:47:00 · 6 answers · asked by Jason 2 in History

Online or elsewhere.
I'd like it to be free; but it doesn't have to be, as long as it works.
And would the library have something like that?
Or be able to get me something like that?

I'd like to find out about both of my parents families backgrounds.

Any help is appreciated.

2007-11-30 09:46:26 · 7 answers · asked by Meeee 1 in Genealogy

Please explain a bit. How can your antidote transform these emotions?
Thanks and have a lovely day or night!

2007-11-30 09:44:55 · 12 answers · asked by I love you too! 6 in Philosophy

I've found great prices but I'm wondering if the quality would be good. I have never played drums. I'm going to use the ones I get from eBay to experiment and try and learn to play them.

2007-11-30 09:44:01 · 5 answers · asked by wez 2 in Performing Arts

2007-11-30 09:28:44 · 3 answers · asked by dupaty1 1 in Painting

An innocent woman jailed in Sudan for an absolutely insane reason, with maniacs calling for her blood... Another innocent victim of rape who was horribly beaten merely for being a victim in Saudi Arabia... I was going to post something that called for the execution of all woman-hating religious fanatics, but then realized that would make me NO BETTER THAN THEM.
How do I deal with my tremendous rage and hatred without becoming part of the problem?

2007-11-30 09:26:02 · 17 answers · asked by Solstice 6 in Philosophy

How come every time someone argues against utilitarianism they appeal to emotion or start quoting some religious text, not reason? Is there really no good argument against the greatest good for the greatest number?

2007-11-30 09:25:27 · 4 answers · asked by timssterling 4 in Philosophy

When you use developed slide film as a filter to get IR's... the result is a "Lookalike" IR or is really an Infrared image?

2007-11-30 09:24:28 · 1 answers · asked by Oliveralex 2 in Photography

Why won't he just do it already? i told him he could just send me to hell cuz it can't be any worse than my life already is. So whats the deal? what is he keepin me around for? I have been told that God is "all loving." Yeah ill tell you what he loves, he just LOVES to hate me and to mess with me and to see people cry and be in pain. So i guess that answers my own question huh? I am just here for his entertainment rite?

2007-11-30 09:23:35 · 11 answers · asked by freakinelectric 2 in Philosophy

Hints for crooning pigs

A melody is in the words you speak
And melody itself is like a word
Indeed the word that everyone will hear
Aesthete and villain, child and sage, the same
The nose forgot giraffes beneath the pond
And who among us doubts that she was right?

The rhythm finds where reason's wall is weak
A Trojan horse concealing thoughts absurd
A soothing voice to calm a savage fear
The subtle introduction to a game
Mere verbal ploy to hook up with some blonde
My bitter pills are swallowed with delight

So when I can, I give my words a tweak
It doesn't matter if some meaning's blurred
I only need to draw my quarry near
Come, Moth, I'm masquerading as a flame
I promise visions from the realms beyond
A band of crystal camels is in flight.

2007-11-30 09:16:42 · 2 answers · asked by skumpfsklub 6 in Poetry

Has to have been produced in or after 1980. So "The Battle of Algiers" doesn't count, although its a great example.

2007-11-30 09:06:24 · 4 answers · asked by metalikidd7 2 in History

2007-11-30 09:05:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

The pictures are here : http://flickr.com/photos/xenophon29

Have a nice week-end !

2007-11-30 09:02:18 · 5 answers · asked by xenophon29 1 in Photography

There is this song the school chorus sang and i don't know the name. It kinda goes like this...i don't know all of it.
Rolly shla shla mandela, freedom is in your hands, show us the way to freedom in this land of africa
Mandela says for fight for freedom, mandela says freedom now
and theres something about a partide or wutever
please help!!

2007-11-30 09:02:11 · 3 answers · asked by kannaya9 2 in History

i know the holocaust happend i just whant to know who don't
and tell reasons

2007-11-30 08:58:25 · 12 answers · asked by alexandralee13 2 in History

At least the ghosts on Earth don't have to worry about doing every little single God says and don't have to worry about being punished and cast into Hell. If only this world weren't so difficult to obtain and do some things, then it almost sounds like it might be more fun here than there because at least here, you don't have to have him "breathing down your neck" every minute of the day and worry about him suddenly sending you to Hell at the blink of eye just because you wanted to go off and just your own thing.

2007-11-30 08:57:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

can oil paint be used to paint wood? im only painting a small wooden craft. and if so, should linseed oil be used?

2007-11-30 08:55:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Painting

2007-11-30 08:44:24 · 12 answers · asked by Silent Warrior 2 in Philosophy

My math teacher has this object on her desk, and no one knows what it is, i know that it isnt a light fixture because it has no wires and she says it isnt one, she also says that we see about 100 a day...

2007-11-30 08:43:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sculpture

Question 1
What effect did the Opium War and the treaty of Nanjing have on China?

1. Chinese Nationalists increased their influence on rural areas.
2. The Manchu government expelled the Western Powers.
3. China was divided innto spheres of influence.
4. China adopted a democratic system of government.

Question 2
Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.

-- Rudyard Kipling
"The White Man's Burden"

The phrase "White Man's burden" in this excerpt refers to the

1. negative attitude of Europeans toward peoples of the non-Western world
2. advantages Europeans would gain by colonizing Africa, Asia, and Latin America
3. positive role of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa and Asia
4. challenges non-Europeans faced when trading with Europeans

Thanks so much!

2007-11-30 08:39:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Can you think of a funny and/or witty caption for this drawing?


2007-11-30 08:38:01 · 2 answers · asked by life_rules 1 in Drawing & Illustration

Any one have one, or have tried one??

Something like the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50, aside from the auto features that they all seem to have, but also manual control of aperture, shutter, FOCUS, ZOOM, with a hotshoe for flash?? I think there are a couple of other brands that are similiar.

Any critiques or reviews??

2007-11-30 08:37:34 · 5 answers · asked by photoguy_ryan 6 in Photography

because i am waching it now on 179 dish network

2007-11-30 08:35:11 · 4 answers · asked by dashaee_vintson 1 in History

Traversing crystalized frost beneath his feet
Attentive wanderer, sure-footed, incomplete
The Mother yielding, displaying her willing zest
Each step closer to gifts of the vision quest

The soaring eagle confirms acknowledgement
Tipping its feathered wing, winking contentment
Observing through keen eyes, gaining inner strength
Lineage promise kept adding spiritual breadth

Journey accomplished to much satisfaction
Walking proudly forward without distraction
A boy, adolescent, departing from youth
The wanderer forever honored by truth

2007-11-30 08:35:06 · 10 answers · asked by Marguerite 7 in Poetry

"Yellow ticket of leave"

2007-11-30 08:34:22 · 3 answers · asked by chimpsky_clone 2 in Books & Authors

Personally I'd have to pick Surrealism, the Renaissance, and Pop Art, although I do like a lot more, but they're the favourites!

2007-11-30 08:34:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Painting

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