Zero sum nihilism says that the world exists in a "zero sum state." If the entire universe were converted into energy, the sum would be zero. The theory is compatible with the existence of thinking minds (Cartesian "cogito") and with modern physics, in which mass is the main repository of positive energy and negative gravitational potential energy is the main negative energy in the universe.
The theory says that the present universe evolved by unknown mechanisms from the simplest zero sum state. This obviates the existence of god and the problems entailed by it, namely the origins of evil and free will and the contradictions between our expectations and our experience. Thus it is a simpler explanation of the world, in accord with Occam.
If zero sum nihilism is true, (1) violations of complete conservation laws are impossible, (2) nearly empty space is the rule, matter the exception, (3) evolution is from the simpler to the more complex, all of which we believe we observe.
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