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Arts & Humanities - 15 July 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

2007-07-15 16:04:11 · 25 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy

I'm writing an essay on The Pillowman for a lit. class. One thing that has come up in my paper is a negative impact of art. In the play, the main character writes horrific stories about children being murdered, and reads these to his "slow" brother. His brother then, acts out these horrific murders on three children in the town, because he thought his writer-brother was telling him to. It also says that he wanted to see if what his writer-brother wrote could work, because they seem far fetched.

Obviously, this guy's art had a negative impact on his brother. But, I don't know what to say about it. I want to talk about it, but I really don't know what to say! I don't think art should be sensored, but this is a REALLY bad impact that art had on someone.

How do you feel about this? Should an artist take into consideration what impact his art may have? Or does the artist have no responsiblity?

2007-07-15 15:59:41 · 10 answers · asked by a.lane 4 in Books & Authors

If the pharaoh Hatshepsut was removed from history, then how do they know she ever existed. They say that her half-son ordered her to be erased, but if he did then all official records would have been erased. Her monuments and her tomb were hidden and all mention of her was carved out. So how do they know that she was a good ruler or that she ever ruled at all?

2007-07-15 15:55:42 · 3 answers · asked by lbsnake7 2 in History

That would be really horrible...I've never heard of anyone writing a book after the original author was dead. That takes an amazing amount of audacity!!!

2007-07-15 15:50:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

2007-07-15 15:46:24 · 16 answers · asked by Paradox 3 in Philosophy

2007-07-15 15:45:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-07-15 15:30:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I am putting a book together of off the wall random thoughts. And I do mean random. It's going fairly well and I am thinking about even getting it published or something. Does anyone have any random thoughts? If you want I can put your name in it too.

2007-07-15 15:29:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anima Della Trerra 1 in Books & Authors

I really want to be on broadway when I get older but I heard you cant get any good roles without an equity membership. So what do i do?

2007-07-15 15:25:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

I like the books from the Clique series by Lisi Harrison. Are there any books simialar to this series?

2007-07-15 15:23:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

Will you ever be too old to say I dream that one day... or My dreams are what I am following? Not to create any complexes, but I would like to know when do you stop dreaming and begin doing because I want dream forever and do always...

2007-07-15 15:21:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Lyndon Baines Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson are the only I can think of.

2007-07-15 15:21:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I want to know some good acting techniques that have helped you out. Ideally it would be nice if they were ones you could do in the comfort of your home and usually without a large amount of people. Thanks a lot!

2007-07-15 15:15:55 · 7 answers · asked by ryu_bakura20 2 in Theater & Acting

My main point here is that if perspective changes so much and could vary so much is there any real social truths.

2007-07-15 15:13:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

ok so ive read the best book ever like five million times (twilight) and its sequel (new moon) and i dont know what to read next....ive read all the harry potters and am waiting for the next 1 but when that comes out i have to wait for my sister to read it and then i get to read it. the next book in the twilight series doesnt come out until august and i have nothing to read!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!! im going crazy i need to read something..... any suggestions?

2007-07-15 15:13:19 · 9 answers · asked by *♫* £a£a *♫* 4 in Books & Authors

In a world where words are a form of communication, what qualifies as being verbal/emotional abuse?

2007-07-15 15:11:55 · 6 answers · asked by guru 7 in Philosophy

This is one I wrote a few years back.
The Knife by Yoselis Ramos

Trying to find someone who can relinquish the pain
To just take the remorse away
Trying to find the refuge to ecstacy
Im tired of all the tears, the pain- so deep
When will I find serenity?

Starting to get desperate
As the knife gets through deeper
Wondering if anyone can see the expression
That lies on the visage of my heart
As i cover away my tear

Full of sorrow, fear, and frustration
Tired so much of the suffering
Trying to find someone with the consolation
Someone with the courage to reach out
And remove the knife from my heart
In need of help
Of someone who wont tare me apart
Wishing you knew just how I've felt

The knife, stabbing my soul as the sharp edge
Begins to create crimson tears
Having words all around me
Many saying it was just a waste
Can I believe what was being said
Was loving you a mistake
You took my heart and soul
Now lies an empty space- a hole

2007-07-15 15:10:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

please my daughter really wants to act do you know where she can get started

2007-07-15 15:05:25 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Theater & Acting

Would you be more inclined to put your happiness down to the decisions you have made or to the help and love you have received from others?

2007-07-15 14:59:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

What inspires who you are and what you do?

2007-07-15 14:59:47 · 14 answers · asked by Drinking from a broken glass.... 2 in Philosophy

How do evolutionists answer to the fact that DNA proves that no species has ever evolved from another? The best that DNA can do is say that species have changed to meet the ever changing environment and to better meet survival of the species.

2007-07-15 14:58:43 · 20 answers · asked by scotishbob 5 in Philosophy

seems like maybe I should cut off email/internet until I get done with the book....any ideas?

2007-07-15 14:56:54 · 13 answers · asked by silentnonrev 7 in Books & Authors

Sr.peço araves of this if you will be able to give to the personal email of excelentissimo Tone to me Bailey, I am fa unconditional of it I have all less lps the A Product of this lp and my bigger dream sera that Mr. nao could say me where I can obte it for a price accesssivel therefore in Brazil nao exists to vender Gostaria informaçoes more it urgent Babble and
Sr.peço araves of this if you will be able to give to the personal email of excelentissimo Tone to me Bailey, I am fa unconditional of it I have all less lps the A Product of this lp and my bigger dream sera that Mr. nao could say me where I can obte it for a price accesssivel therefore in Brazil nao exists to vender Gostaria informaçoes more it urgent Babble and

2007-07-15 14:51:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

im reading a tablature and it requires me to play the 22 fret on the b string.

my guitar only has 21 frets!


what should i do?

2007-07-15 14:39:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

2007-07-15 14:37:33 · 13 answers · asked by perpi P 1 in Books & Authors

Any schools across the U.S and Vancouver.
I want to Act for film and TV.
I want to get as many degrees as i can in theater or fine arts.
I want to be able to get a bachelor of fine arts.
I prefer the farthest alway from Connecticut as i can.
Please and Thank you <3

2007-07-15 14:37:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

Supposing it's an original creation from you. Do you have a clear image in you head before you plot it?

2007-07-15 14:36:34 · 11 answers · asked by bernieEC 2 in Drawing & Illustration

It looks like a renaissance painting of a saintly figure with a knife stuck in his head in a very slapstick kind of way, but I believe the painting is actually from the renaissance era.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a series of these paintings, and I saw a glimpse of them in an art history course and loved them, but haven't gotten a hold of the professor to ask him for the name of the painting and artist's name...I need a print of this thing on my wall :)


2007-07-15 14:32:08 · 2 answers · asked by littlepig_hamlet 1 in Painting

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