Here are two moral dilemas posed by a philosopher whose name I have forgotten. I'm interested in hearing what your choices would be and why.
a) 5 people are on a railway track. There is a trolley speeding toward them and they will surely be killed. You are near a lever that can divert the trolley onto another track, but there is one person on it, who will die if you pull the lever. Inaction will result in 5 deaths. What do you do? Do you sacrifice 1 to save 5? Ponder a moment then try the next one.
b) 5 people are on a railway track. There is a trolley speeding toward them and they will surely be killed. You are standing on a bridge above the track, and next to you is a person who is heavy enough to stop the trolley. Do you push them onto the track, sacrificing 1 to save 5? Inaction will result in 5 deaths.
* Extra consideration for providing your reasoning and also for the name of the philosopher with a referenced source
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