Hi, I am 23 years old healthy and now very scared and confused. Me and my fiance just moved and were moving furniture last night, I felt fine at the time but then at around 10pm when I was in bed I started feeling extreme pain in my lower right abdomin. I was up ALL night and just keeled over in pain. I didnt sleep at all until aboult 7am when I finally felt like maybe the pain was breaking. I got up and was extremely sore still but had no throbbing pain like I had been experiancing all night. I have lloked up everything on the internet now and have found that it could possibly be a torn muscle(from moving), apendix burst, or now this Tubular Pregnancy. As far as I am aware of I am not pregnant, but am due for my period. Does anyone know what this could sound like out of the 3? I just dont know if a pregnancy test could show if I was pregnany or not when I havent even missed a period yet. Or could the be my appendix, but would I be getting a break from the pain like this? AHHH
2 answers
asked by
wendy mag
Women's Health