In this section alone there are a large number of people who bully and put down other for their beliefs, while even more point the finger at someone else for the problems and wrongs in the world. There also seems to be in this section hatred venom and malice in over half of the questions and close to that of the answers given to questions. There also appear to be people who go out of their way to put down and criticize others in their answers to questions that would have very little to do with them personally.
To be clear here, these people come from both sides of the tracks and from what appears to be all walks of life and all religious and social backgrounds.
Is all of this hatred and animosity really needed, why? What do these people get out of this extremely anti-social behaviour?
Please note: answers of an accusing nature (to anyone) or answers that have nothing to do with the topic at hand will not be considered, please exercise restraint in your responses.
11 answers
asked by
Arthur N
Religion & Spirituality