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All categories - 17 October 2007

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My husband is second generation Italian. He insists on Italian American names, as our last name is Albertini. We are pregnant with our third. 1st is Anthony Michael. 2nd is Nina Marie. Here is what I am thinking for Boys:
Frank (Frankie or Franko), middle name would probably be Arthur (family name) or Vincent - tell me honestly what you think

Girls names we like seem endless:
Claira (or Claire)

Please provide input on how you like the name Frank, and some more italian american boys names. (I honestly love the name, especially Frankie when he is younger, but I am afraid my baby is going to sound like an old grandpa!!) Also, comment on the girls names.

2007-10-17 12:37:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

We've recently purchased a home, and are currently remodeling the kitchen. We've inherited a 1960's 35" Kenmore gas range/oven/griddle/rotiss... combo. It was functional until we disconnected it from the gas line to remodel. Our realtor told us he thought we could sell it for $$$$. Is this kind of thing valuable? Should we put an advertisement in the classifieds section/Craigslist? If so, for what price? Is it junk, and should we just sell to the local metal recycler? Can I get any money out of it, and how much?

2007-10-17 12:37:05 · 3 answers · asked by lightcommastix 3 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

What's one common Democrat complaint?

What's one common Republican complaint?

2007-10-17 12:37:00 · 7 answers · asked by roostershine 4 in Politics


there was two immigrants trying to get thier us citizenship one polish and one Italian the polish man was really nervous and was afriad he would not pass the test the Italian man told not to worry because he goes in first I'll take the test then give you the answers so they call in the Italian man the judge ask hie three quetsions 1. who was the first pres. of the u.s.? george washington he says 2. how many stars are there on the u.s.flag? 50 3. what are the colors of the u.s. flag? red,white,and blue. you pass sir you are now a citizen of the u.s.a. the judge says so he goes out and drags the polish man in the mens room I wrote the answers down on my underwear just peak down at the answers when the judge ask you a question they trade undies but the polish guy puts em on backwards the judge ask him whos the first pres of the u.s.? he looks down jc penny! 2. how many stars on the u.s.flag? 36-38! (the judge looks at him funny) 3 whats the u.s.flags colors white with ah brown stripe!

2007-10-17 12:36:55 · 4 answers · asked by Bigpoppa 2 in Jokes & Riddles

A 0.40 kg ball on a string is whirled on a vertical circle at a constant speed. When the ball is at the three o'clock position, the tension is 16 N. What are the tensions in the string when the ball is at the twelve o'clock and at the six o'clock positions.

2007-10-17 12:36:47 · 3 answers · asked by Singh J 1 in Physics

while watching "Rachael Ray's", she always cook steak on grill with high heat, why is that? Won't she worry about burning it??


2007-10-17 12:36:45 · 8 answers · asked by Tsu-Fan C 1 in Cooking & Recipes


Thanks for all your answers. Have a great day!

2007-10-17 12:36:25 · 19 answers · asked by Third P 6 in Philosophy

I get kind of embarrased when I am praised a lot. I get praised from guidance counselors, teachers, and students; mostly because of my older brother. I just don't like attention being on me.

2007-10-17 12:36:24 · 4 answers · asked by ? 5 in Polls & Surveys

im still in junior high, and needing a new computer. eventually, im going to get both desktop and laptop, but confused in the making desicion of which one to buy it first.

2007-10-17 12:36:23 · 8 answers · asked by Osamu Miyawaki 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

a blank blue screen comes on then my desktop picture then after about 10 mins my desktop icons come on then this message; "ALU WSA start up () error " is displayed in the centre of the screen how can I fix it ?

2007-10-17 12:36:22 · 3 answers · asked by mona 2 in Desktops

if they want to leave state and arent old enough to buy a ticket and their parents dont want them to leave and you buy the plane ticket for them since you are old enough for them to leave could you get into trouble??trouble for taking them to the airport to??

2007-10-17 12:36:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

God is dependent on man to save him. Not the other way around. If someone doesn't do something fast god will go by the wayside. Is it fair that god would be gone when we really havn't given him an open chance? I feel that there may be hope. It is never going to be in Jesus. He blew our chances.
I will start all over with a little pile of dust. Then I am going to blow the breath of life into god. You will see.

2007-10-17 12:36:08 · 13 answers · asked by Tom C 1 in Philosophy


2007-10-17 12:36:01 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

it looks so easy but its kinda tricky

2007-10-17 12:35:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Egypt

Or are you just unable to bear the thought of being wrong about how, logically, and sophisticated your way of thinking is? That maybe if you checked into it long enough you might find the truth that all that time you were wrong. I can see how it might be embarrassing though.

2007-10-17 12:35:50 · 27 answers · asked by poetic_lettuce 1 in Religion & Spirituality

to search the records ie bdm etc and so forth as most of them ask for a subscription fee or to buy credits. any help or advice please! thanks to all x x

2007-10-17 12:35:50 · 9 answers · asked by SUE M 3 in Genealogy

Cultures have always valued female life more. A penile surplus (reproduction requires minimal male involvement and women can only bear so many children) meant that men have been expendable. It is men who have been used for dangerous jobs and other risky endeavours (war).

This is still the case. 93% of workers who died at work due to fatal accidents or violence in 2005 were men (5,300 men and 402 women): http://www.bls.gov/iif/oshwc/cfoi/cfch0004.pdf

Also, around 84% workers who die due to work-related disease are male: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/accidis/globest_2002/dis_eme.htm (requires a bit of math)

However, having a job that entails risk does not reap financial rewards. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that "job attributes relating to … physically demanding or dangerous jobs… do not seem to affect wages." http://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/1999/Oct/wk1/art02.htm (note how the bar is actually slightly negative)

Why are men being underpaid?

2007-10-17 12:35:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Does this issue matter to you? If so, why?

2007-10-17 12:35:15 · 13 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Politics

2007-10-17 12:35:13 · 12 answers · asked by Ramjet 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Bush: Threat of World War III if Iran goes nuclear

2007-10-17 12:35:04 · 9 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

My significant other of 3 years lied to me and said that he accidentlly took my keys when he came home and that he must have left his keys at his job...Really???...So when he left the house he didn't know that he had my keys..I wanted to see how far that he would go with this lie..He arrived home from work around 11pm.....and gave me my keys and we both keep a set of each others keys...but the key that he has of mine...he can't open my glove box with that key..(Acura thing I guess)...so he removed his set from mine and gave my set back to me...Mean while he is acting pissed at me for something earlier that day anyway..This morning while he was in the shower I decided to go and check his car...just in case because his story didn't make any sense as to how he previously left his keys at work and somehow drove home..I'm not that stupid..I check his car and he had his keys the whole time....and took mine and lied about it...What is your opinion? I'm 2 marry him in 5mths...not healthy.

2007-10-17 12:35:00 · 9 answers · asked by Nia L 1 in Marriage & Divorce

YOU are still a citizen, but all of your rights are taken away?

2007-10-17 12:34:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Imagine a weekly TV series where every episode featured a different story that took place during the 1960s . Some episodes would be about famous people and based on situations that really happened . Other episodes would be about ordinary people living their lives . NOW -- If there was such a TV show, what should its theme song be ? I only have three rules -- My first rule is that this theme song has to be a leftover from the 1960s . My second rule is that it has to evoke images of something that was definitely part of the 1960s . Two examples would be "If You're Going To San Francisco" or "The Age of Aquarius" . My third rule is that you can't nominate MY examples

2007-10-17 12:34:52 · 2 answers · asked by I_hate_being_single 3 in Drama

i dont know what to do she is always over worked and she said she wants to kill herself all the time

i need adivce

2007-10-17 12:34:33 · 33 answers · asked by tiffany b 1 in Psychology

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