Guys iam having a hard time in choosing a major. i have to declare a major by the end of this year.
I like mathematics, a lot. but i have doubts.
I would like to major in pure math
but the thing is that there are some really hard courses, which are : Abtract algebra , intro to Analysis , complex variables etc.
I have completed calc1 , 2 , 3 , diff. Eq. , Discrete math, now iam taking linear algebra, next semester i will have to take intro to advanced math if i choose the pure math track, then follows adv. calculus , abstract algebra ,,, etc
When i see the applied math degree
I feel i little more confident of completing this track, mainly because of the courses, they do not include abstract algebra and those hard courses.
Help me decide which track is best for me, which is going to help me in the future. my dream is to work for the NSA (only a dream , maybe i will never get there no matter what i do)
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