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All categories - 9 October 2007

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Its my mums 38th birthday next week and i haven't got her anything! Any ideas on what to get her?

2007-10-09 20:53:40 · 19 answers · asked by britzy_babe_1211 1 in Other - Holidays

2007-10-09 20:53:29 · 29 answers · asked by OMG ROLF 1 in Polls & Surveys

But couples never leave property as one dies and a single person is left. I am confused ?

2007-10-09 20:53:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in United Kingdom

2007-10-09 20:52:28 · 13 answers · asked by jonnybeanos 2 in History

hey, i have a lot of scars on my face,because of my pimples, and until now this is my problem, cuz pimples and whiteheads are still growing. i am shy to stroll in the mall because of this...i've tried anyproducts but it doesnt affect, and even i consult it in a dermatologist, nothings happened. im desparate now.

2007-10-09 20:52:21 · 1 answers · asked by melissa endrei 1 in Skin Conditions

2007-10-09 20:51:44 · 15 answers · asked by Oscar & Venus E 1 in Words & Wordplay

I'm just curious to hear what people in the US feel is corruptionin their local government? Corruption may not be an all encompassing term for all the ways people benefit form the government. What kind of corruption do you have in your local area? You could add cronyism and nepotism to this.

Does it seem like some families have more members in the local government or on boards etc? Do some companies get more work? Do those who know the local police avoid paying tickets? Can you pay money under the table to get things done? What's going on in your part of America?

I really would like to get hear from a large amount of people across America on this if possible. Oh, if you can add your state that would be appreciated to get an idea of location.

2007-10-09 20:51:42 · 6 answers · asked by Beertha 2 in Other - Politics & Government

my heart pains
my soul burns
life is not the same
so much has changed

what once used to be my heart
is now a barren desolate dessert
faith in the existance of love is lost
and so is the hope of finding it in between the cold frost of lonliness

love never actually existed its all just a facade
somehting people pretend is there and never fades away

love doesnt exist
its all gone
it was never really there
i had it all wrong.....:(

2007-10-09 20:51:00 · 16 answers · asked by Cupcake.....:) 4 in Polls & Surveys

Do you agree or disagree to expose children to the realities of life through stories in books based on the following issues and what do you think is the most crucial issue?
1. Issue of Violence
2. Issue of Sexuality (Sex – man and woman relationship)
3. Issue of Sexism (Gender issue)
4. Issue of Racism
5. Issue of the Changing Image of Family
(Separations, Annulments, Divorce, Abandonment, and
Single Parenthood )
6. Issue of Death, Aging, and the Handicapped

2007-10-09 20:50:59 · 1 answers · asked by liza 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Here are my thoughts. I want to know yours.


Pro - Who to guard? Garnett, Pierce, or Allen?
Con - Not much of anyone else though... and Allen didn't make any 3 pointers


Pro - The pro is they played against Boston
Con - The con is also they played against Boston


Pro - La Bomba might be ROY
Con - Even though they weren't really trying until the 4th quarter, I guess Iavaroni was training them clutch situations, it shows that only La Bomba is clutch and others need to work on it


Pro - Team is healthy
Con - Nobody is home on the other team...


Pro - Gibson's continues to display the abilities he had first shown in the playoff. Will he be the Most Improve Player?
Con - Nobody is home!


Pro - Yi isn't bad at all
Con - Noah did a little bit better, but Noah played under the American system


Pro - Played a great preseason game that showcased everyone's abilities. Nocioni looks in his prime.
Con - Still lost...

2007-10-09 20:50:50 · 6 answers · asked by DMAN 6 in Basketball

2007-10-09 20:50:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

The Philippines is really beautiful country to visit, it's competitive or even better than most of it's Asian counterparts, but here in Australia it is extremely rare to find advertisement for tours to the Philippines. Tourism figures also shows a very small number for the Philippines.

It's like a treasure chest that the Philippine government has failed to open. It would be a great economical help.

This is all just my opinion, I don't actually live there.

2007-10-09 20:49:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philippines

well im a Palestinian girl. and u know we have a conflict between us and Israel that took our land. but this is not the point here...is it!!!!
anyway. a Jew once told me that if a girl got raped in Judaism....their holy book says that his parents or him should pay the girl 50 shekels" which is 13$" only or he must marry her

OMG....this is the solution 4 rap in Judaism ???its not fair for women after all is it???

proud Muslim girlll =]

2007-10-09 20:49:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is for a study....and if it helps....Im not vain....
Here are my particulars
height 68"
weight 210
neck 17"
bicep 16"
forearm 13.5"
wrist 8.5"
chest 45"
waist 40"
hips 44.5"
thighs 23"
knees 17"
calves 17"
ankles 11"
Bi deltoid 21"
Mile run 7 min
bench 265 max
curl 115 max
I can do 15 pull ups
I can do 100 push ups
I can do 100 sit-ups

2007-10-09 20:48:46 · 12 answers · asked by Asker_765 3 in Polls & Surveys


parents ever told you that if you do ever want to leave them then that you have to stop calling them mom and dad and that they will pretend that you don't even exist and won't consider you their child?

2007-10-09 20:48:21 · 18 answers · asked by NoLongerHere 7 in Polls & Surveys

2 parts in your life and the most in one day.

my total is 27 different bones most of them multiple times.

6 in one day is my record. if u want to know the story how let me know.

2007-10-09 20:48:17 · 26 answers · asked by King K 1 in Polls & Surveys

Ok so an offender deserves his/her sentence but where do human rights come in when a prisoner is denied medical treatment, or given physical abuse to the point of death or permanent ailments?? Ive seen tapes and heard stories and i personally wanna avenge the lives and families of these people!! Why does our system still allow oppression and torture of our native jailed citizens??I wanna personally punish every person who abuses their priviladge of abusing prisoners no matter what their crimes!! Our penal system is full of punks and Puss*** who man to man couldnt take a punch from a real man like me!! Cause id put them in the hospital so be it!! Your in a position to correct/protect so what gives you the right to abuse your position??

2007-10-09 20:48:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Right now top of my mind is the White Rider theme from Lord of the Rings.

2007-10-09 20:48:03 · 6 answers · asked by joezen777 5 in Polls & Surveys

It amazes me how some Egyptians discovered that Egypt is so quiet and peaceful that they decided to add music to their cars when car brakes are used. u know what I'm talking about? Do u hear it? Does it annoy u? Seriously I just cannot understand why they came up with such a great invention! Isn't it just fascinating! How long has it existed for anyway?! So it's not like the noise of cars in the streets, all the car peeping, noise of people in the crowded Egyptians streets will fullfil the job of giving us headaches, now we need musical car brakes. I don't like the music it plays anyway. Sorry but too much noise just gets on my nerves

2007-10-09 20:47:49 · 11 answers · asked by Ruby 6 in Egypt

come back again to the earthly realm and learn some more lessons?

just my humble pagan thoughts......what are yours?

2007-10-09 20:47:23 · 9 answers · asked by trinity 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Last night I ran down my stairs and twisted my foot at the side, I could walk on it but it hurt. This morning, it was all red and I couldn't walk on it at all as it hurt. My foot a bit at the side, not totally straight though that can be because I strained it at the side? Should I see a doctor to get it checked out? also how long till it heals cause I got a BIG presentation this friday and I'm freaking out!

2007-10-09 20:47:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

2007-10-09 20:46:51 · 18 answers · asked by bigDcowgirl 7 in Polls & Surveys

I have recently split up with my partner, and we have a house together. she is wanting to stay in the house. I have been told many different things, like, she will have to buy my half, or i will only receive half of what profit we have made on the house. can anyone tell me what i should expect, or what to do

2007-10-09 20:45:51 · 6 answers · asked by Darren 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Here are my top 10:
10. RVD-Weak mic skills, but he regularly pulls off moves most other wrestlers wouldn't dream of trying. Would ECW have gotten on TV without him? I say no.
9. HHH-Tremendous in every aspect...no wrestler has more control over the future of the industry.
8. Bret Hart-Might be the best in-ring wrestler in history
7.Kurt Angle-Terrific mic skills + world-class athletic ability=all-time greatness
6. Stone Cold-The first anti-hero face, and the prototype for most of the big-name wrestlers through the late 90's.
5. Shawn Michaels-Saved the WWE during the early 90s.
4. The Rock-In terms of mic skills, you have two classes of wrestlers: The Rock...and everyone else
3. Ric Flair-One word: WOOOOOOOO!
2. Hulk Hogan-What top-10 list does he not make?
1. Andre the Giant-Every other wrestler on the list became a worldwide star after the WWF hit it big in the 80s. Andre was able to do it basically by himself in the 70s...now THAT'S true greatness.

2007-10-09 20:45:18 · 16 answers · asked by JGN 1 in Wrestling

you'd want to run into in a dark alley?

2007-10-09 20:45:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

ciggarettes have been proven to cause all sorts of health problems yet we can buy them freely with out fear of being charged- does this have anything to do with the billions of dollars our government makes from them i think so.
marijuana whilst in certain people who are sensitive(an exteremly low percentage of people) to thc can cause some health problems but is no where near as deadly as ciggarettes. I belive the only reason that marijuana is illeagal is because the government can not possibly stop people growing it themselves and are therefore unable to profit from making it legal

2007-10-09 20:44:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

we met in a shopping mall... i like him and i can tell he likes me, but it seems like all he wanted from me was to have sex because he kept on making signals looking at me... stuff like that, i didnt know what to do so i just left him without giving him my number or anything... now i cant stop thinking about him, did i do the right thing?

2007-10-09 20:44:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

A businessman had to stay a few nights in London on business.
The first night passed and he was feeling pretty bored and a bit horny.

The next day, after work, he took a walk down Oxford Street.
He passed a phone box plastered with cards offering 'Visiting Call Girl services'

he quickly went back to his hotel, almost ran up to his room, sat on his bed and dialled the number.
a sexy female voice answered..... "can I help you, Sir"
"Ohh yes please" He said " I want to start by tieing you up...I want some bondage and domination........I want to spank your bum, then I want to finish off with a '69'"

"well sir, that all sounds very nice................ but you might want to dial '9' first, to get an outside line"

2007-10-09 20:43:50 · 11 answers · asked by Vinni and beer 7 in Jokes & Riddles

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