cars airplanes electrsity in everyhouse, and television and radio,, becuase people had been studing electrsity for
over a hudred years,, people of the public thought everyone was going to do another new thing so they made amusment parks to , behve like going into outer space, and thye would pretend they were riding a rocket into space and into a new world, and so people couldnt hink of anythin new to talk about, so everyone asked people who worked for the govenrment to go into space ( bso they,. made up that athey wen tot the moon, becuase they didint know why people woulld want something liek thta, and the govenrement knows what you really whant , the govenrment an dtthe bible are the sma e thing,
rlrigion wa sthe old governemnt, becuase when people wnat things they cnat tlak abotu going on it has to first be a book, btu whne you cna tell everyone already thougth of thta,,( when the bibile ran its course,) you need people thinking about what people are doing in the big picture
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