I keep hearing this line of BS. Let me start by saying I hunt bear cougar bobcats and coons with hounds. I hunt deer and elk with my bow. Most rifle deer hunters shoot from there truck and it is a good thing because if they got out of there truck they would get lost. lol Hunting with hounds in my neck of the woods (Oregon) is considered a very important wildlife managment tool. We even do out of state hunts and are thanked by rural residents and ranchers every hunt. It is by far the most phsically demanding type of hunting I have ever seen or even heard of. It is not like we release the dogs and shoot it out of the tree and it lands in our truck! The amount of hound traing I do every year is longer than most peoples hunts. Not to mention try turning 4 dogs loose in the high country and trying to find all the dogs. You will never save farmer Johns cows or corn with your rifle. He has a rifle, and still request my help. Oh and when family pets are getting eaten, I am really appreciated.
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