This is excellent work!
2007-09-06 13:40:20
answer #1
answered by Adventist 3
I looked at the "story" about Helen that the link brought me to. This is what I thought of it...
First, some of what they were saying that was supposed to be catholic was not really what we believe. One example was that it said that "Roman Catholicism replaces repentance with the sacrifice of penance." That is not true. Catholics believe that we go to Confession to be forgiven by God because we truly are repentant. The confessional is a place for the repentant to go. There are many other mistakes about what Catholics believe.
Second, the story seemed to compars Catholocism with Ancient Egypt. Of course there are some similarities because every generation takes some things from the past, but much of what was said there was not true. One example was comparing Mary to Isis. Of course the images will look similar. They were both of a woman standing. The difference is that Egyptians worshipped Isis, and Catholics honor Mary. Catholics do not worship Mary. Also, comparing the "wafers" to the practice of Egyptians having bread has an historical answer. Catholicism uses bread for the Eucharist because that is what Jesus used. Why did Jesus use it? Because, the Jews used unleavened bread in remembrance of passover (which Jesus was celebrating at the last supper), which was when they fled Egypt. Catholics have reasons why we do things, not simply because we took them from other cultures.
Third, the person that wrote this greatly oversimplified what Catholics believe and why/how we do things. Would it be right to say that Protestants believe in sola scrptura because "that's all they got." Of course not. That is greatly oversimplyfing it. Simarly, saying that we made up the words priest, nun, and pope because they are not in the Bible is oversimplyfing it. Language changes over time, and there are many words not in the Bible that all Christians use, such as Trinity. Trinity is not in the Bible but I know it is true.
So, yes, I believe that Catholics are Christians because the definition of a Christian is that you believe in the saving power of Chist, which Catholics do. Yes, there are differences in how that belief is lived out, but they are still Christians.
Also, people should not be learning about the Catholic faith from a cartoon. If you really want to know what Catholics believe read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is an amazing book that clearly states all of the things that we believe and why.
God Bless,
2007-09-06 21:05:15
answer #2
answered by Chris C 1
To be completely honest, jack chick has got to be one of the most ignorant and depraved liars there is. He took a defrocked seminarian with a long criminal record and wrote a "true" story about how this person made it to becoming a priest and then was used as a Jesuit spy to sabotage small nations and burn down buildings. He takes things catholics DON'T believe and uses them against us. In fact, his unchristian vitriolic hate is so much that most protestant bookstores won't even come near his tracts or books. If this is your source of information, I strongly advise changing authors
2007-09-07 14:32:33
answer #3
answered by promethius9594 6
I'm sorry but I cannot take anything that Chick Publications says seriously.
If we were to believe all that Chick Publications claim then we would believe the the Catholic Church:
+ Started Islam
+ Instigated the American Civil War
+ Assassinated Abraham Lincoln
+ Formed the Ku Klux Klan
+ Was responsible for the Inquisition known as the WWII Jewish Holocaust
+ Keeps every Christian's name in a computer in order to make persecution easier
Here is a detailed rebuttal to Chick's tracks:
With love in Christ.
2007-09-07 00:32:09
answer #4
answered by imacatholic2 7
To me, it's a joke. I think it's sad that some people invest so much of their time, resources, and money into this sort of thing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the ones that are listed in chick tracts aren't even intelligent, well-thought out opinions. It's sort of like the equivalent of a young child pointing a finger at another saying "I don't like him." Why? "Because I don't."
2007-09-06 23:39:26
answer #5
answered by maphiaLu™ 4
How do you think Catholics feel about Chick Tracts?
2007-09-08 10:43:03
answer #6
answered by Daver 7
I guess it's good to know what some Protestants really think of us. There are so many flat-out lies that I it would take pages and pages to refute them all. If you want to learn what Catholics really believe (not some crazy propaganda), you would be better off just looking us up on wikipedia.
2007-09-06 21:38:00
answer #7
answered by Matt W 2
May a Lutheran answer?
This booklet takes a couple of half-truths and builds a whole system of blatant lies around them. I certainly have some issues with Catholic doctrine, but this kind of blatantly false information doesn't help anyone.
2007-09-06 20:58:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous Lutheran 6
lol. was that made in the 50's? it's positively ridiculous. baby's are baptized. they do not have demons and therefore don't have salt put in there mouths. that's about as far as i read as it is not worth my know, there are and always will be those who disagree with the catholic church and i'm okay with that. to each there own.this is just funny.
2007-09-06 20:50:15
answer #9
answered by racer 51 7
Oh, please, not Jack Chick again.
You want to know what we think ... well, I think that anyone who accepts this sort of thing as factual is really looking to shore up his/her own anti-Catholic prejudice instead of seeking the truth from a credible source.
2007-09-07 08:44:13
answer #10
answered by Clare † 5
It is all lies from those who hate Christ's Church. May the Lord have mercy.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2007-09-06 20:39:21
answer #11
answered by cristoiglesia 7