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All categories - 26 August 2007

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I looked in the thesaurus and i couldnt find another word for the word Extremity..can someone help me out with that..pleasE?

2007-08-26 04:55:18 · 7 answers · asked by BrownEyedGirl<3 1 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-26 04:55:12 · 5 answers · asked by coolguy 1 in Mathematics

you ran - Going sprinting in about 10 minutes.

2007-08-26 04:54:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

now this is simply a hypothetical question: please don't give answers like "it's not possible".

anyways, the question is: if during the next twenty years our climate undergoes global cooling (not necessarily back to the norm -- but down to +.2 or something) how do you think this would effect the scientific community? currently, the vast majority of scientists believe it's real, and this is a community that bases their reasoning on facts and all sorts of fancy technology. if they were wrong, would this damage their credibility/reputation? how? would people be more skeptical of the next enormous scientific theory put forth?

2007-08-26 04:54:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

that you dont all think like this ?
please look over a little debate going between myself and CJ in Lavenders question ...
help me understand where I am going wrong , because I truely dont get it
non Christians also of course

seriously , be honest ... I try and try to understand , but I still dont get it and managed to demonise myself every time I speak it seems

2007-08-26 04:54:08 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-26 04:54:07 · 5 answers · asked by Sophiesmama 6 in Reality Television

How do i solve the following:

1. -2x-5y = 7
7x+y = -8

2. 4x+9y=2

thanks so much for the help

2007-08-26 04:53:51 · 5 answers · asked by hp 1 in Mathematics

I know its a little bit too early to be asking about this, but w/e. I want to have a sweet sixteen party thats theme is 1992 since thats when I was born. I would love if you could give me some websites that would tell me facts about that year; like (in America, of course) fashion, music, movies, tv shows, books, etc. Please help! Thanks!

2007-08-26 04:53:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Music

I dont get this question. can you help plz thanks.

2007-08-26 04:53:32 · 7 answers · asked by Ashley Nicole 1 in Parenting

My '91 Dodge Ram Van front brakes, break lights, battery? I am on disability and can't pay much but will pay what I can to you. The engine blew a rod on my daughters car, so now we have no transportation. I have my van but need someone to come over. No I can't take it anywhere, I don't have that kind of money for towing let alone have a repair business fix it. :( I live in Danville, Illinois. Can someone please help me???

2007-08-26 04:53:30 · 9 answers · asked by Dianne L 4 in Polls & Surveys

fill in the blanks

WAVELENGTH: Light - Color, Sound - ?
AMPLITUDE/INTENSITY: Light - Brightness, Sound - Loudness
FREQUENCY: Light - ?, Sound - Pitch

2007-08-26 04:53:25 · 3 answers · asked by MatT 7 in Physics

or say even a magazine article, (in English) can they be written in an infinite number of ways or a finite number of ways and mean the same thing????

2007-08-26 04:53:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

2007-08-26 04:53:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

Me and my husband had sex and he kept pulling my hair and calling me a dirty $!ut.He goes extremely hard too. He asks me if i "like it like that". He sounds really mean and sometimes its a little scary. I don't want to hurt his feelings.

2007-08-26 04:53:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My turtles are about one inch each and i give them pellets, dried worms, small pieces of squid and lettece, i heard that they LOVE live worms but the petshop (where i bought them from) told me to avoid live worms because th turtles might swallow not chew it and there for the worm will be alive in its body causing a lot of problems to the turtle and sometimes it might kill it! is that true?

2007-08-26 04:52:50 · 7 answers · asked by Negm 2 in Reptiles

Now, let's get one thing straight. I can very much appreciate the female physique and take a lot of enjoyment doing so. If I'm at the beach or in a swimming pool or at a night club, etc, there's nothing better than ogling at the sexy young ladies who seem to go out of their way to be sexually appealing to onlookers.

However, I was shopping the other day at Asda supermarket and there was a lady there who was wearing only a very tight fitting dress that was partly see-through. In order to tell you how see-through it was, I'll inform you that I could clearly see her under wear. She was wearing a bra and a thong.

I have to say that even I, who appreciates the female form so much, felt as though this was going too far. She had a very exquisite physique and was sexually provocative in the extreme.

Is this right? I know that at the other extreme seeing these muslim women dressed in a cloak with a slit for there eyes is way over the top. but - in the supermarket, a little modesty?

2007-08-26 04:52:42 · 19 answers · asked by tuthutop 2 in Etiquette

i have a verizon internet card and a while ago i was sent a letter saying that i was doing too much downloading so i was wondering what is the set limit for downloading i can do i think its 5 gb but im not sure i really need to know

2007-08-26 04:52:41 · 4 answers · asked by S.MERK 1 in Computer Networking

2007-08-26 04:52:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baseball

I don't want to have to replace the countertop, so I'm looking for some way to remove stains without damaging it. There are some rings, rust and grape juice stains. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

2007-08-26 04:52:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

2007-08-26 04:52:06 · 60 answers · asked by Banshee 7 in Polls & Surveys

How many dots and bytes does it to take to represent a 640 x 480 pixel picture?And also 1024 x 768 pixel picture?WHat is calculation to find it?

2007-08-26 04:52:04 · 4 answers · asked by shilpa u 1 in Cameras

i live in a foreign country where i mostly understand the language. but my art teacher (who doesnt speak english) tries to teach me how to do that thing when you look at a still life (not drawn) and measure it and then draw it on your paper. its that thing that you see in the cartoons when they use there thumb and squint. my teacher says something like the length is the same as the width or something like that. and that i have to measure- i dont get it!!

if it helps: when she tries to explain it to me she usually puts a cloth as a background with a half open pot with fruit next to a little tiny pot with a long handle. i have to do it as a pencil or a charcoal drawing

please explain to me how to do it!!!!
if you need more details, because i dont know what else to write, write it in your answers(along with your answers)

2007-08-26 04:51:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drawing & Illustration

im writting a paper and i need to know if someone was to kill a pregnant woman, would they also be charged with the killing of her unborn baby?

2007-08-26 04:51:24 · 12 answers · asked by nicole 1 in Pregnancy

Lately, there has been talk of cloning a wooly mammoth. Do you believe extinct animals should be cloned? Please note, this is not a question pro or con general cloning; it refers to extinct animals only.

2007-08-26 04:51:11 · 6 answers · asked by Elaine P...is for Poetry 7 in Biology

2007-08-26 04:50:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

My friend saw a spider that looks like a wolfspider only skinnier legs and it was black

2007-08-26 04:50:52 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

I wanted to start taking Martial Arts. I don't know much about the different types but from what I do know Kempo has interested me the most. If your involved with Martial Arts which is your favorite and which would you recommend for me? Btw, I live in west suburbs of Chicago if that helps as far as knowing what types of places would be in my area.

2007-08-26 04:50:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Martial Arts

Object A has a charge +2μC and object B has a charge of 6μC. Which statement is true?

I'm not sure about the condition of the 6μC charge, so please indicate the answer (a, b, c or d) in both conditions: (6μC and -6μC). THanks a lot!

A. Fab = - 3 Fba

B. Fab = - Fba

C. 3 Fab = - F ba

D. F ab = 3 F ba

2007-08-26 04:50:49 · 3 answers · asked by MatT 7 in Physics

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