gone too far? A young 13 year old boy playing childhood pranks -- ding dong ditch -- with other friends touched the breasts of a 13 year old girl when she answered the door. Now that young boy must register as a sex offender and will be on the sex abuse registry for the rest of his life because Governor Rod Blagojevich believes children are MINORS of convenience -- meaning that they are minors only when he wants to control them or "protect them" like for driving vehicles, smoking or drinking, but when they behave like children, touching boobs or pinching butts as is routine for most young people (until recently) they are now capable of self- control and should be treated as adults? Why is our government so warped and why is it that the juvenile laws are not uniform so that kids are juveniles until they become 17 and then, they are adults from there on out and can do whatever an adult does? Why should they be able to joing the military and carry guns & kill but not have adult rights
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Law & Ethics