His reasoning for not sending his boxers to Chicago for fear of defecting is pathetically laughable. What he surely knows, but doesn't have the balls to admit, is that when people are fed up and desperate, they ultimately vote with their feet, as multitudes of Cubans have done ever since inFidel took over. If the US was soooo screwed up as inFidel would try and lead people to believe, then why do not only his people, but people from Mexico and other Latin American countries flock to the US, illegally or otherwise? But, given inFidel's support of the likes of the murderous butcher Che Guevarra (with whom inFidel allegedly had a homosexual liaison), what do you expect? But of course, there will the usual bunch of droopy-eyed Far Left Hypocrites like Cindy SheeMan in the US who will still adore inFidel and his "people's utopia".
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