Because if she is my sister-in-law's cousin(by blood) then she should be my cousin by marriage. Plus we all love each other like we have known each other for years but my brother just married my sister-in-law recently, and my sister-in-law's family are people we will be seeing for the rest of our lives because we all love each other. My sister-in-law's mother who is my brother's mother-in-law and her sisters love me like I was actually related to them by blood, and my mom and my sister-in-law's mother and aunts are like sisters. and when someone like my cousin is geting married we invite relatives like my sister-in-law's mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and her cousins. So is my sister-in-law's cousin related to me by marriage? Is there a name for it? Probably cousin by marriage isn't it.
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Other - Family & Relationships