Honesty embedded in life-style, isn't this the most efficient
way of life? Everything out in the open, and knowing
what makes the life-style convenient for everyone involved.
What good is the right to congregate and establish
relationships if the people involved are deceptive for
reasons of self-convenience? Shouldn't relationships
be based on mutual convenience? I am not insisting
that everyone be friends. Quite the contrary, I am
insisting that people rationalize relationships, and not
form meaningless relationships. Relationships without
purpose are bound to be out of sync. In your opinion,
which country is most self-moderated at an individual
level? For example, I haven't studied law, but I manage
to stay within the laws simply by being courteous. Therefore,
which country could you most easily imagine to be orderly
in the absence of any law system or punishment
consequences? Courteous people don't need the
deterrent of punishment; they know the benefit of candor.
18 answers
asked by
active open programming