YOU my friend are very wise and I honor everything you've said. We really don't check our intentions before we say things to people. I also think it is possible that someone could say 'I love you' and truly mean it. Sometimes we have to question why we are unwilling to receive love if someone offers it. I think the conundrum goes both ways. Many blessings and Namaste
2007-07-21 03:50:53
answer #1
answered by Yogini 6
1. Your favorite Marauder nickname? - Padfoot 2. If you could be cast as any character in the Harry Potter movies, who would it be? - Hermione, possibly. 3. Have you ever had a Harry Potter related dream? Feel free to explain if you wish ;). - Yessss it's actually quite weird but I was standing in my garden making a twig into a broom 4. Do you think that Peter Pettigrew should have been placed in Slytherin? - Nopee.. The sorting hat knows best :D 5. Which of the trio would you want to be friends with? - ALL!! I want to make it a foursome :D 6. Which character would you want as a sibling? - Ronnn (: 7. Where should the Deathly Hallows movie be split? - I think the split is dumb, I dont think anyone would mind sitting through like.. 6 hours. But maybe when Ron goes... Or something..
2016-04-01 05:23:02
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I am agreeing with you about what you just said. I have known many people who say they love you, but when push comes to shove, they are never there for you. I am so sorry to hear that you have found no one that loves you in this way. I have a husband who cares for me, for 26 years now, and I have a couple of friends, however I too have never found a person who can be all the love I need. that is why Jesus is my salvation. He does watch over me while I sleep, He gives me that shoulder to cry on , and He never says,- "don't cry, it is not that bad"- He does not just feel sorry for me, He fills me with His joy even in the midst of the sadness and pain. Jesus' love is far from convenient- it cost Him His life.
2007-07-21 04:22:12
answer #3
answered by AdoreHim 7
You have a point. I have often felt that people say "love" when they haven't the impetus to do anything more. The word becomes an adjective, instead of a verb; it remains passive, when it should be active and demonstrative.
I know a few of the details of your situation and can only offer condolences, and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I can say that I believe you are dealing with deep depression, and understandably so. I hope that you take action to deal with this, because depression is a serious, lethal thing.
Remember, we must first deal with our own shadows before we can have someone who, to be fair to them, will be part of our lives. Our own unhappiness is a wall that shuts out others.
Feel free to email me if you ever want to talk.
2007-07-21 03:57:10
answer #4
answered by Jack B, sinistral 5
Possibly, however it is a very cynical way to view the world and other people's well intentioned comments...
In general I don't think any english speaking person has a great grasp on the word because our society has done such a wonderful job of watering it down to - I love you if you love me, if you do things I can respect..
And possibly because people don't really "know" you like we have glimpses of who you are but not the full picture and I know that is not for the want of trying --
I think people are genuine when they say it... but don't really realise that love is best define when it is demonstrated...
I hope that by my words, you can see my love for you, and know that my Jesus Christ really does love you, James 4:8 draw near to him and he will draw near to you.
2007-07-21 16:16:39
answer #5
answered by Abbasangel 5
young Orion...
love is why we are, kindness and compassion we must show are the only reason we are here. We all share a common destination, and it is certain for all of us, how we arrive at it makes all the difference.
Your argument, in its essence goes to the question Plato posed 2000 years ago, his was "what is justice?" we can easily paraphrase it and substitute "love" for "justice" ... but we don't need to, they are one and the same...
his answer: "to each, what they truly deserve"... sometimes the more things change the more they become unchanging...
may you find the peace you deserve...
Luan Pa
2007-07-21 03:57:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The success of love is in the loving
- it is not in the result of loving.
Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person,
but whether it turns out that way or not
does not determine the value
of what we have done
2007-07-21 03:55:34
answer #7
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
yes i admit to wishing to do something for others
but I honestly dont see whats wrong with that
I lived a long time , not being able to love anyone , not caring what anyone else did or what happens to them
I was very cold hearted
I dont want to ever be like that again
so if i can find the right words for someone , be there for someone when needed .... then I will do my utmost
I dont feel sorry for you , of course I am sad for what has happened to you
but I dont pity
and I have seen you go through a transformation lately that makes me happy
please dont try to see genuine concern for someone as pity .... try and see it as concern
I said in a previous question about love.... that I love the potential in people
I see potential in you and I love that potential
we are amazing human beings ... we need to start seeing that both in ourself and in others
2007-07-21 03:52:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Everything you described Orion, is security. You miss the safety of having someone there for you. And that is normal. I think I got the point that you know how to love. There is no doubt in my mind of that. But, what your missing is the closeness and someone there to love you when you need them. Everyone needs to hear 'I love you', and everyone has the desire to feel love. That makes us all human, with desires to feel needed! :))
2007-07-21 03:54:39
answer #9
answered by SDC 5
I don't know, Orion, but try quitting to wait to hear 'I love you' from someone else, and try saying 'I love you' to everyone else, and maybe your life will change from what you seem to be dissatisfied with now.
(No, I am serious, not trying to be funny or 'mess' with you.)
2007-07-21 03:53:45
answer #10
answered by autumnleaves 3