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All categories - 17 July 2007

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2007-07-17 05:50:37 · 39 answers · asked by Y!A addict NURSE SWEETIEGOAT 4 in Polls & Surveys

I mean..they fling thier poop at you...they masterbate in public (my dad owned one for awhile)

why would someone worship an animal that throws his feces at you?

2007-07-17 05:50:23 · 18 answers · asked by spink_is_not_dead 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-17 05:50:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is it ok to go to a non-catholic church from time to time.
I have found that some evangelical churches are very sincere and I do like the quality of the music.

In some cases the worship music will last for 30 minutes and it is very relective and helps focus on God.

Only issue I can see is with the sermon and possibility that the Pastor will use his own experience to make "truths" out of his interpretation of the bible.

Does anyone think it would be wrong to go or would it be better to stick to the catholic groups.

It may be a good way to encourage people to think a little more as well. Certainly as dialogue develops, I am not saying that I would go with the purpose of "enlightening" or "converting" people.

What do you think -

2007-07-17 05:50:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Has anyone had this problem? What was cure? What tests would you recommend?

2007-07-17 05:49:59 · 4 answers · asked by the mazda mechanic 4 in Volkswagen

.......suddenly he sees a shark speeding towards him. The man saw a show that a shark's nose is extremely sensitive, so with all of his might he hits the shark on the snout. The shark said, Owww..., why did you hit me, that hurt! The man said, I thought you were going to eat me. The shark replied, no I wasn't going to eat you, I was just swimming about like you were. The shark said sorry, I have to eat you now, the other sharks are watching.

2007-07-17 05:49:57 · 9 answers · asked by fox_71498 3 in Jokes & Riddles

it hurts a bit and its red. ive had it for one month now and i wash it with antibacterial soap. its only red on the top and pus comes out but im not sure what color it is sorta like yellowish-whitish. is it infected ??

2007-07-17 05:49:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

How do you say In Italian "I miss you so much'??
How do you say In Italian
"I miss you so much'?? and 'I haven't heard from you for a long time'??

Grazie Mille ;)

Do you say the same thing to males and females?

2007-07-17 05:49:47 · 16 answers · asked by Natasha 1 in Languages

He mentions looking at his mom cry. Anybody know the name of it??

2007-07-17 05:49:44 · 16 answers · asked by ? 1 in Country

Be honest plz




2007-07-17 05:49:36 · 18 answers · asked by L i L J u G G a L e T T e 4 in Fashion & Accessories

we are doing a geography project on it and need to do a survey. Thanks :)

2007-07-17 05:49:18 · 27 answers · asked by mikey b 1 in Global Warming

2007-07-17 05:49:12 · 31 answers · asked by MsKnowItAll Reborn 4 in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-17 05:49:01 · 3 answers · asked by falc676 1 in United States

Entertainment and Music Polls and Surveys

2007-07-17 05:48:58 · 12 answers · asked by Reserved 6 in Polls & Surveys

if the current in the cirucit is lower does this mean that the bulb will be dimmer and vica vera?

2007-07-17 05:48:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-07-17 05:48:56 · 10 answers · asked by Taylor 1 in Other - Music

Rednecks vs. Latinos
Show your support Jimmy Wang Yang or Chavo Guerrero!!!

Screamers vs. Playboy Bunnies
Show your support for Melina or Candice!!!

Bulldozers vs. Extremist
Show your support for Umaga or Jeff Hardy!!!

Who are MVP, Cade & Murdoch, and Deuce & Domino wrestling?

2007-07-17 05:48:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Wrestling

which one is better for our family?
we have a large garden, big house, a 10 yr old girl who adores dogs and knows how to train and handle a dog. she has handled yorkies, labradors and collies.

.. how much on average do they cost per week?
2. are they nice to live with?
3. would they be ok in an normal sized house with a large garden?
4. what are their down sides?
5. do they need lots of exercise?
6. if you were to lift them up and compare them in their weight to something else, what would it be?
7. how much do they need to be fed?
8. do they bark alot?
9. How much fur do they shed?
10. In England, how much would it cost to buy one?
11. Are they nice with children?
12. What are their bad habbits?
13. how to stop them from biting/scratching/jumping up you?

for 13 i know the rattle bottle technuque; does it work? I need to find breeders of whippets or collies in hemel hempstead, england. HELP!

also, if you claim there is a breed better than a collie or whippet, plz tell me and tell me

2007-07-17 05:48:40 · 16 answers · asked by xchocolate-rainbowsx 4 in Dogs

I don't understand what I am supposed to put in here.

2007-07-17 05:48:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know there is another name for it, I just can't think of it. Can someone help me out.

2007-07-17 05:48:33 · 4 answers · asked by Ashie 1 in Chemistry

Ok, on a website where you can have an avatar, sometimes I see a moving picture. It's just like a 2-3 second long clip that repeats over and over. How do you get these off the internet?

2007-07-17 05:48:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Computers

cut it into pieces and eat it one piece at a time?
try to fit it in your mouth, give up and take a bite out of it?
make a big juicy mess all over your shirt?

2007-07-17 05:48:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A few hours after an oil change on my 2003 Protege, my oil light came on. I was on a country road with no shoulder, just a big ditch, and had to drive a couple miles to find a turn off - as I did, car died. Car towed to nearest Mazda dealer - oil drain plug was missing and all oil lost. That dealer tells me they replaced the drain plug, refilled oil and car started. Ran rough, so they adjusted timing belt and now running fine. I do all maintenance and oil changes with my local dealer, who has agreed to pay costs for other place's work. I don't have car back yet and haven't been able to drive it myself yet. Could someone tell me what I need to be careful of or look for when I get the car back tonight? Is there a possibility of major engine damage or future problems even if car is running ok right now? I was planning a big roadtrip starting this weekend - should I cancel? Thanks in advance for any advice.

2007-07-17 05:48:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mazda


I've been posting here for more than a year and have seen soooo many incorrect answers about these subjects. (So far today, I've read 7 blatently incorrect answers on these subjects.) PLEASE, for the sake of the people you're trying to help, I urge you to read up on HIPAA and COBRA. For example, did you know that: HIPAA permits a person a 63-day lapse in between (NOT 30, as some answer here)? that an employer waiting period is NOT counted toward the 63 days? that COBRA coverage CAN be reinstated under many circumstances? that pregnancy CANNOT be considered a PRE-EXISTING condition *EVER* under a group policy, whether the mother has had previous coverage or not?

Here are good sources to start brushing up on these subjects:

HIPAA: http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/health-plans/portability.htm
COBRA: http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/health-plans/cobra.htm

I'm asking this because I know we all want to provide correct information.

2007-07-17 05:47:57 · 6 answers · asked by Suzanne: YPA 7 in Insurance

fedest.com, questions and answers