Hi, This morning I was in lots of pain (I have a slipped disc) and had run out of Tramadol, so took 2 Solpodol tablets with my anti-inflammatory pill. Ive neevr taken Solpodol before, but have taken co-proximal and co-codemal.
Almost straight away I had a severe stomach ache, and my hands began to burn and itch. Then my feet. It spread to my torso, legs and face within a few minutes, I felt as if Id fallen into a load of stinging nettles, it was very hot and itchy. Then I had trouble breathing, found it hard to swallow, and was sick.
I felt really unwell, it scared me a lot. Tonight I still dont feel right, kind of drained and weak, my skin is tender but not red and swollen any longer, and Im exhausted.
Was this because of the Solpodol? Could it have been the Diclofenic? (Im assuming it WAS a reaction to the tablets, I cant think what else it could be?) Has anyone else had this with these tablets?
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