I recently rescued a small common goldfish I found. He was left on a picnic table in a plastic cup. Apparently, someone didn't want him, but didn't have the heart to flush him.
The problem is, i didn't have a tank set up for the little guy previously for obvious reasons. I've been keeping him in a small goldfish bowl, but he dirties it up very quickly and depleates his oxygen so fast that i have to make frequent water changes.
I bought a small tank today, compleate with biofilter, but i haven't put him in it yet. Here's where i need some help.
-the new tank hasn't gone through a 24 hour cycle yet. Should i put him in it anyway? He's already pretty stressed from the water changes and high ammonia build up over last night, i'm worried another move would be more damaging.
-is there anything i can do for the little guy to reduce stress? All he does is stay at the bottom, unmoving. He wont eat either. :(
Any help is greatly appresiated.
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