Two weeks ago, all three fish were swimming around, happy as can be. But lately, they have seemed lethargic. I talked to some people at a petstore and they told me to only clean 25% of their water every week and a half because they like dirty water. I find this hard to believe, so I still do a complete water change once a week.
I'm very worried that they are all sick for some reason though. Usually they blow nice bubble nests, and this week they haven't.
I also did some research on food, as I have been feeding them solely freeze dried blood worms, but found out this was a no-no, so I feed two of them betta bites and just one the blood worms because he refuses to eat anything else.
Please help me, I have no idea what it could be and why all three of them are sick (possibly) at the same time.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any advice you have!
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