I was at my local Lenscrafters today, and the guy said that with a R.E. +2.50 and L.E. +3.00 I should not get rimless as they would look really bad. He explained that the middle of the lens would look extremely bulky.
I had my hopes set on rimless glasses and I am adamant to get them.
I've done a bit of research tonight and found that apparently high index lenses reduce the thickness of farsighted lenses as well. He offered me "featherweights", but from what I read those are regular polycarbonates, not high index lenses.
Armed with this knowledge should I go back and challenge him, or is my prescription too extreme to get rimless frames without them looking bad? I always under the impression that my prescription was mild compared to others...
If you can help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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