Christians, as I understand it, believe in God because of The Bible, Jesus, the world around them, beautiful rainbows, as well as countless other things which all build to a credible and highly convincing point of view.
The same can also be said about every other belief system…
“We believe in our god because we have faith that x, y and z are true.”
Science is refreshingly different. The x, y and z that science holds to be true are all open to rigorous debate. If during investigation, x is found to contradict the evidence, then x is thrown out or modified and the researcher is highly praised and held up with great esteem by their peers for advancing science.
Christians etc. on the other hand, appear to respect their peers more the more they stick like sheep to the rut of sacred dogma. Don’t they feel that they’re missing out on something extraordinary?
(I know it’s difficult but please try to refrain from swearing at me. I very much appreciate any thoughtful comments.)
23 answers
asked by
Mike N
Religion & Spirituality