When I asked if you would chose to be in hell rather than stay in heaven knowing that your spouse was suffering and alone (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070527175732AAoPVPH&pa=FYd1D2bwHTHwLLplFekzRP1o0utmGMLCnLLh_Vu38CEWOhaO4XKg49p1.18WYawIWD9RoHkNk2a7kg--&paid=asked&msgr_status= ), several Christians explained to me that in heaven we won't have any memories of our loved ones. Therefore, we won't be bothered by the fact that they are being horrifically tortured for all eternity.
They pointed out, in all fairness, that it would be difficult to enjoy oneself knowing that everyone you ever loved was, well, in hell.
My problem with that is, Wouldn't the very act of erasing our earthly memories make us a different person? Wouldn't that remove our free will? What if we WANT to remember our lives and our loved ones? Do we have a choice in the matter?
I'm concerned because Christians usually say that God HAS to send people to hell rather than interfere with their will.
8 answers
asked by
Aeryn Whitley
Religion & Spirituality