I've been married for four years this June. My husband drinks a lot in my opinion. His normal routine is, go to work from 7-5pm without even going home, he goes to his brothers and drinks till 8:30-9pm, then on weekends a little past noon, he leaves again and I won't see him till close to midnite or after.
I have been left alone with my two boys so much that I'm curious if he just doesn't want to be married to me anymore. I've asked him and he tells me that isn't the cause, but why wouldn't he want to come home more or spend time with me then?
Give me some out look on this. This has been ongoing for close to three years. Am I justified to leave him? or am I not trying hard enough?
I'm only 23 yrs old, and I don't want to be a single mom for the rest of my life, but I feel with him being gone so much I already am a single mom.
Give me your opinon I'm curious. What would cause a man to treat someone he supposivly "loves" like this? Be honest too.
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Marriage & Divorce