I have 3 Strawberry Tetras, 2 Blue Jay Tetras, 5 Tiger Barbs, 2 Platys, 2 Guppies, 2 Painted Glass Fish, and 4 Gold Dust Mollies. Today I noticed small white salt-sized spots only on the fins of Strawberry and Blue Jay Tetras, particularly the Blue Jays. I know all a few things about White-Spot. The majority of the sites and books I read say that adding salt is one way to cure White-Spot and I want to know if adding salt in a FRESHWATER tank is O.k?
Note: My tank is a 21 gallon tank with a filter, heater, plastic plants and plastic decor. The temperature is 25 degrees. I already removed the Tetras from the tank and placed them in a hospital tank and added a dose of Aqua Plus.
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