Do you think it is wrong and why or why not? Firstly if you think about it in a way, it is murder. The reason I think this is, is because an abortion can still be carried out late into the pregnancy. Now many of you probably think that it isn't alive, so whats the problem. Well lets take a fetus, and compare it to any other baby....... is the heart beating? does it have a brain? How can you say it isn't alive? What about premature babies, are they just a bunch of cells? Cells are living by the way. A baby is alive from the first second it's heart starts beating. Thats why it can suck it's thumb and kick and move and think while it's still in the womb. So if you want to tell me that "it isn't living", whats your proof? I read somewhere that once, a docter performed an abortion late in a pregnancy and he found the baby sucking it's thumb. He killed the baby anyway. Was that baby "a bunch of cells" or "not living". Please tell me what you think.
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Religion & Spirituality