So, after being a victim of crime for the second time in 6 months, and third time in 3 years (bank fraud, car theft, and my car was just broken into over the weekend), I'm trying to figure out a way to "solve" the crime problem in the US. My thought is a two strikes and your dead program for crimes that violate the rights of other people. Offenders who commit crimes that illustrate disrespect and disregard for the rights and property of their fellow citizens forfeit their right to live in our society, and rather than waste time and tax dollars keeping them locked up, after a second offense they should be summarily executed by firing squad (and their family billed for the bullets). Punishments for a first offense should be relatively mild, emphasizing rehabilitation and instilling a respect for the rights of others (as well as knowledge of the consequences of contining a life of crime). What do other people think of such a program?
9 answers
asked by
Jacob M
Law & Ethics