I keep my 3 inch western painted in a 55gal tank with 5 silverdollars, 6 neon tetras, 3 rainbow sharks, 3 mollies, and a ton of ghost shrimp... and two goldfish for cleaning.
So far the only fish that ever went missing are tetras and guppies, which I bought for him anyway. He leaves fish that are too big to fit completely in his mouth alone. This may not apply to all turtles... But it applies to Hachi.
I have a turtle dock and a piece of driftwood for basking, he prefers the driftwood, but dives off the dock all the time, also the dock is where I put his food. I have a reptisun2.0 UV light over him.
I have two filters, a 501 turtle filter and a whisper filter for 30gal tank. Together they push out 300gal's an hour. The whisper is one that is like a canister in the water, not a hang-off-the-back filter.
So far everything is clean, but should I buy one more whisper filter? Or another 501? I used to have a canister that pumped out 600gal's an hour but it broke, so I had to downgrade
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