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All categories - 3 March 2007

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I think my neighbor is using my internet access..... Thank You

2007-03-03 02:40:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Security

2007-03-03 02:40:42 · 37 answers · asked by Kirsty 7 in Polls & Surveys

I saw a trailer for a movie a long time ago. I think it's been more than two years already, but I'm not sure.

All I remember from the trailer is this: There is this one young boy. In the apartment above him or something lives this lady. The lady is big and she talks to the boy sometimes. In one scene, the boy is slow dancing with a girl during a dance or something. The girl is resting her head on the boy's neck. After the dance, he talks to that one lady. And the lady says "You're growing up" and the boy says something like "Into a frog?" (or something random like that) and the lady goes "Into a man".

That is all I remember. Can you please tell me the title of the movie?

I know this may not be enough. Thanks.

2007-03-03 02:40:42 · 3 answers · asked by ♥ Mischa S. ♥ 5 in Movies

A computer that was perfectly working now has multiple problems that we have not been able to solve. We therefore need to reload it so as to clear it of every disturbance and make it clean before installing Window XP on it. I have always gotten great answers from this house and i still look forward to more. All regards to YOU.

2007-03-03 02:40:33 · 1 answers · asked by fashm 1 in Other - Computers

i would like the words to all her songs from the album "im not dead yet" if any one could help me that would be great .

2007-03-03 02:40:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

I need a thorough step-by-step guide selling stuff on eBay. EBay Malaysia that is. Help is desperately needed, and will be appreciated. Thank you so much~

2007-03-03 02:40:29 · 3 answers · asked by zaranzt 2 in Singapore

have? A guy that knows how to hit your G spot, or, one that ALWAYS puts the seat down.(think of those midnight trips to the toilets on a cold night before you answer). lol

2007-03-03 02:40:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Bought the bike, the guy went off to Iraq, I have no contact with him and have no way to get the title, what is my best bet for getting this bike registered? If I change the motor over to a different frame will that work? How do people registered custom bikes? Is there some loophole I can do to get his thing on the road? Thanks!

2007-03-03 02:40:29 · 11 answers · asked by Tyson 3 in Motorcycles

NO matter how hard things seem to get, I always have an inner peace, no matter what.

2007-03-03 02:40:27 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Is it wrong to teach your child not to be gay. My mother taught me it is a sin to be gay. I am now 17 and living my fiancee and my 3 year old daughter and I am teaching my child not to be gay. I believe it to be immoral and I am going to raise her not to be gay. I believe strongly in morals.

2007-03-03 02:40:24 · 31 answers · asked by Martin A Neville 4 in Parenting

....my toaster???

2007-03-03 02:40:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

and later it is proven that it was a mistake - then should cloning of that person be allowed

2007-03-03 02:40:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I have a 45 litre fish aqurium tank with tropical fish in, how long does the built in light need to be on for in a day?? and do fish like lights in there tank??

2007-03-03 02:40:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-03-03 02:40:17 · 9 answers · asked by tom the plumber 3 in Dogs

k so im going somewhere tonight, and i need a shirt to wear under another one. k so its a dark red, and is a deep v-neck. it has buttons under the v-neck as well. its long sleeved. what coulour shirt should i wear under it?

2007-03-03 02:40:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

And my new girlfriend found out about it. I feel it should be OK since I didn't actually have the sex. My girlfriend quit me over it. How can I get her back?

2007-03-03 02:40:12 · 15 answers · asked by Lou 1 in Singles & Dating

I have had 3 miscarriages in the span of about a year. I have been over weight my entire life. After researching frequent miscarriage I noticed that a thyroid disorder could be the cause. I have all the symptoms listed for Hypothyoidism. The OB doctor keeps insisting it is just a freak thing that is happening for no apparent reason. What do you think?

2007-03-03 02:40:01 · 5 answers · asked by Shay 3 in Women's Health

I have had no success with Babel or Babylon. grrrr! Any ideas??

2007-03-03 02:39:59 · 6 answers · asked by LesDixyc 1 in Languages

He's 11 weeks old and loves to nibble on my ears and fingers when im lying down... When you pick him up the first thing he does is chew your fingers. I try giving him chew toys, but he mostley avoids them and chews our fingers! What should I do?

2007-03-03 02:39:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i have lost my book i have the disk an looking to see if i can get a code for windows 98 or if anyone has any code that i can add in i would be forever thank fun i am restoring my old computer for my nices

2007-03-03 02:39:39 · 1 answers · asked by rodeogirl 6 in Software

but I dunno which color is cooler: green or blue?

2007-03-03 02:39:38 · 7 answers · asked by woo 5 in Music & Music Players

I mean this question very seriously and after a lot of self-reflection. To begin, I am a 19 year old female college student. I prefer to be by myself, in fact, I get incredibly anxious and desperate if I'm around other people too long. I feel utterly alone and suffer from the paranoia that other people can automatically SEE that I'm weird and not normal. I fret over my appearance constantly and feel wherever I go like I am being perceived in an ugly manner (this isn't just self consciousness, this is feeling like I am "marked"). I don't understand "attractiveness" between men and women, I rarely see anyone I'm attracted to. Even if I am, I feel no desire or drive to get intimate with them. I am NEVER emotionally engaged during a conversation with people (I do have a wide range of feelings, however), it seems like I am interacting with them, but with this higher consciousness watching all of it. I am never just in the moment. I am always "watching" myself and the other person.

2007-03-03 02:39:37 · 6 answers · asked by Blackadder 2 in Psychology

I have this "special guy friend" who I've actually liked for a couple years now. He's 22, and he's kind of a dork, but I love him anyways. AMAZING personality. I've heard rumors around campus that he is a virgin, as well as many cruel (I consider them cruel) jokes about how he'd be a good lay because he is a very BIG guy (not fat- BIG. tall and thick and the biggest hands I've ever seen in my life). He's very sheltered, but I find it hard to believe that at 22, a guy is still a virgin. He NEVER talks about girls, and rarely dates. A girl dumped HIM a couple years ago for HIM not putting out. I love him to death, and will either way, but I just can't come out and ASK him. I've picked up on a few "signs" ... but am just not sure.

1. sexual jokes? either doesn't get them or it takes him a long time...
2. tried to imitate sex once. Involved BOUNCING. no one had the heart to say "you're supposed to THRUST"
3. wears whitie tighties. his mom still buys them.


2007-03-03 02:39:32 · 4 answers · asked by MaggieMaeBrowne 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-03 02:39:13 · 21 answers · asked by JUST PLAIN OLD ME 2 in Music

2007-03-03 02:39:10 · 10 answers · asked by MissAva 1 in Comics & Animation

I'm looking for a screener that I can use to compare various money market funds. There's a bunch of mutual fund screeners out there, including at YahooFinance, but they don't include money market funds as one of their categories. Where can I find one that does?

I'm looking to compare things like yield, expense ratio and amount of holdings.

2007-03-03 02:39:06 · 4 answers · asked by UnderTheBridge 2 in Investing

When I lived in Germany in the 70's I used to pass a big building with these words in huge neon lights, one on each side of the building. Two where red, one yellow and one green. They said FIXBUTTE, FIXMINZE, FIXMILLE and FIXMALVE (I may have spelt them wrong, it was a long time ago)
I'd love to know what they were, can anyone tell me?

2007-03-03 02:38:59 · 5 answers · asked by kittykatts 4 in Languages

fedest.com, questions and answers