Though it may/ may not happen when we are alive, it will happen one day and all will be raised to life.
The wicked will surely be judged, man may escape from the law on earth, but definitely not from the creator. He will show justice to all mankind.
Dont run from God, because you think He is good and you may not become good even if you try to. I thought I can never be good and can never escape from my own selfish world. But I asked God to help me out, He answered my call. Call unto God, see whether what Jesus said is true. I can surely tell that because I have experienced God's love whenever I am earnestly asking and waiting for Him. Please dare to try it, you will not regret.
I am not writing this, because I want to change enybody's belief. But whenever we know something is for real, we have to take the effort when it will do another person good right?
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Religion & Spirituality