The people that are REALLY upset about the HPV Vaccine SCAM are the ones who have AWARENESS of the INSIDIOUS connection between vaccines and certain people getting VERY rich...and those people who are willing to READ and research and CONNECT THE DOTS will grow increasingly furious that all this is being done RIGHT under our little noses.
The rest of the masses go about their daily lives being docile and subservient to the corporate machine, running around in FEAR and getting their vaccines and allowing OTHERS to pass LAWS that take away our very rights as human beings.....such as the right NOT to get vaccines at all.
This is the bleak reality we are facing if WE don't take the necessary steps to put these people out of office and re-claim our freedom of choice!!!
Merck's HPV Lobbying May be Coming to Your State!!!
FREE Ebook download >>>
"The Terror of Pediatric Medicine"
The Terror of Pediatric Medicine is a free downloadable e-book from IMVA Publications.
The book covers in-depth the vaccine controversy, pediatric dentistry, oncology as well as childhood psychiatry and psychology. The book format is in beautiful html.
For Mac users a pdf will be made available in the second half of February.
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WATCH VIDEO BELOW, if you're not into lots of reading! :)
The HIDDEN Truth BEHIND Vaccines >>>>
HPV Vaccine
On Friday, Feb. 2, Texas governor Rick Perry issued an executive order that bypassed the will of the people and the entire Texas legislature, mandating the vaccination of young girls with the HPV vaccine sold by Merck -- the same drug company that reportedly gave thousands to Perry's campaign efforts. The vaccine is absolutely worthless as a medical treatment according to top docs in the alternative health field, and in my opinion, the so-called "science" supporting the vaccine as the only prevention for cervical cancer is an outright fraud.
But the story gets even more interesting when you start connecting the dots. A key Merck lobbyist, a man named Mike Toomey, actually served as the governor's chief of staff. In other words, a former top power person for the governor now works for Merck, the drug company that gave money to the campaign of the governor who essentially used dictatorial power to mandate, without any public debate whatsoever, the mass vaccination of young girls with a drug that will earn tens of millions of dollars in profits for Merck. Sound suspicious? It should.
The "dirty money connection" seems obvious to many readers who have been following this story, including one who posted, "Only a man, Rick Perry especially, would sign an executive order, bypassing legislation, to inject girls with chemicals made by one of his contributors even though most parents have never seen sufficient information about this vaccine. Perry should be impeached as a threat to the safety of our children."
The humanitarian cover story
Drug companies are experts at framing their profit pursuits as public health initiatives. "We have to protect the little girls!" they insist, but what's really going on behind closed doors is a far less altruistic push -- the push for profits. Requiring millions of young girls to get these new vaccines just happens to generate enormous profits for Merck. But Merck officials, and even the governor of Texas, would have you believe that has nothing to do with this. Apparently, the fact that Merck will earn obscene profits from this initiative never entered their minds.
Nonsense. If Merck really wants to help these teenage girls, why don't they pledge to give away all their vaccines free of charge? In fact, if they're such a humanitarian organization, why don't they give away all their drugs, and release third world countries from patent protection at the same time? The answer, of course, is because this is all about money, not public health. If Merck was really about "patients first," they should convert to a 501(c)3 non-profit, stop paying their CEOs $10+ million salaries, and give all their drugs away for free as a gift to humankind, shouldn't they?
That will never happen, of course, because it really is about the money. The sick care industry is a for-profit industry, and the more people drug companies can target as being sick today -- or even possibly someday being sick at some future date that "justifies" treatment right now -- the more money they can sock away in the bank. When it comes to money, it seems drug companies will stop at nothing to get more of it, including influencing state officials to mandate vaccine consumption policies that have nothing whatsoever to do with evidence-based medicine or genuine compassion for the health and lives of human beings.
What's happening in Texas right now is a form of medical tyranny, and it's only the beginning of what may prove to be a monumental battle between personal freedoms vs. the corporate-controlled State.
We must stop the medical tyranny
If we let Texas get away with this medical tyranny, forcing all young girls to undergo these HPV vaccinations even against their parents' wishes, more states will follow suit. Merck is right now lobbying hard to pass similar measures in over twenty other states, and if we don't put a stop to the Texas situation, Merck will feel emboldened and likely urge other governors to make the same declarations in their states, calling it a "public health" measure but actually pocketing the profits from massive sales of these vaccines.
What can you do?
I say we fight the tyranny by exposing it. You can take action to spread the word on this issue. POST this cartoon to your website and LINK to our articles on this topic. We give you full permission to reprint this cartoon and forward it to your friends. Expose this medical madness before we all end up prisoners under a system of medical tyranny that turns the bodies of teenage girls into profit centers for Big Pharma! And unlike Merck, we don't care about the intellectual property royalties on this comic. Make as many copies as you want. Print up T-shirts. Add it to your book. Use it as you wish, and you don't owe me a dime. Why? Because I actually do care about my fellow human beings and I'm here to help stop the medical madness sweeping America today.
Speak up now or surrender your health freedoms forever
You see, if we don't stand up to this kind of medical tyranny, it will only get worse. This debate is not merely about one vaccine, it's about surrendering your health freedom to a medical system that is owned and controlled by Big Pharma. Drug companies practically run the FDA, the EPA and even control the FTC (when was the last time the FTC investigated and prosecuted drug company monopolies?). Drug companies influence the DEA to keep their own drugs legal while the exact same "street" drugs are illegal. They own our elected officials, almost all of which accepted at least some money from drug companies in their last election campaign. Drug companies also own the mainstream media by propping up television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines and websites with literally billions of dollars in advertising. On top of that, drug companies heavily influence the medical journals and medical schools, and have effectively limited the entire conventional medical industry to a "drugs and surgery" approach to health, practically censoring nutritional knowledge out of existence.
Given this environment, is anyone supposed to believe we will see anything resembling honest debate or genuine science about this HPV vaccine? The entire industry, including drug companies, doctors, medical journals and the mainstream media, is twisting the facts to create the illusion that these vaccines are both safe and effective when, in reality, they are probably neither. Nor are they necessary. Cervical cancer is prevented in a hundred other ways, including adequate sunlight exposure and vitamin D consumption, supplementation with probiotics, adequate intake of selenium and zinc, increased consumption of trace minerals and iodine, regular physical exercise and many other safe, natural, non-patented strategies.
America is being hoodwinked over the HPV vaccine. To call this anything resembling genuine public health policy is an absolute joke. It's really just a grand moneymaking scheme that exploits the bodies of young girls, marketed to look like compassionate health care. Supporters of this policy are shameless, ignorant and devious in framing their nonsensical arguments using carefully-chosen words and phrases that make them seem like they're delivering a cancer cure from God. But in reality, mandatory HPV vaccines are a deal with the devil.
Consider this: With all the drugs being prescribed, all the toxic chemicals being consumed, and all the diseases now ravaging America -- a country with the highest rates of degenerative disease in the world -- does anybody really thing that injecting one more drug is the answer? You'd have to be crazy to think so.
Vaccines and Immune Suppression
Vaccines, all vaccines, are immune suppressing; that is they depress our immune functions. The chemicals in the vaccines depress our immune system; the virus present depresses immune function, and the foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues depresses immunity. Toraldo, et al found that the chemotaxis and metabolic function of PMNs (polymorphonuclear neutrophils) was significantly reduced after vaccinations were given and did not return to normal for months. Other indicators of immune system depression included reduced lymphocyte viability, neutrophil hyper-segmentation,
and a reduced white cell count. All vaccines are immune depressing to some extent and that is the trade-off we are risking. The medical thought is that we trade a small immune depression for an immunity to one disease. Now let me repeat, we are trading a total immune system depression (our only defense against all known disease - including millions of pathogens) for a temporary immunity against one disease, usually an innocuous childhood disease. Therefore, the trade is not at all fair. Mullins puts it this way, "Are we trading mumps and measles for cancer and AIDS."
The trade-off is not worth the risk. We are risking getting many more diseases than we are "preventing" from getting. [Later we will see that there is literally no prevention.] Another good example is the ritual of the yearly flu shot. There may be only two or three varieties of flu viruses in each shot, hence the names "Asian-Flu", "Japanese-Flu" "Indian-Flu" or "Swine-Flu". But there are literally thousands, may be millions of flu-causing viruses. Taking one or two does not make sense and many people report getting the flu after taking a flu shot. We do not know which variety of flu will affect us each year and in each locale. Therefore, the best method to avoid the flu is to strengthen our immune system by eating properly and getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Only nutrition can build and support a strong immune system, while vaccines help to tear our immunity down. Vaccines have been linked to AIDS and other immuno-deficient disorders as well.
Vaccinations depress our body's immune functions and that keeps us open to developing many other diseases. It is very childish to think that we are going to take one flu vaccine and never get sick from the many varieties of flu that exist, especially since viruses can mutate so fast when the conditions arise. Keeping up with these fast mutating viruses can only be done by priming our immune system with good nutrition and keeping the conditions/environment for their growth minimal. In other words, pathogenic viruses will not grow where the conditions will not allow it. It is the terrain which dictates our health and not the germs/viruses themselves. Germs are pleiomorphic, meaning that they can change with their environment; rods become cocci, and vice-versa. Thinking that germs cause disease means that we are not responsible for our own health and we place that responsibility in the hands of some one who has the means to kill these germs with toxic chemicals (drugs), even if those drugs/vaccines harm our body. Vaccines prevent health!
Vaccinations reduce our immunity in many important ways:
1) Vaccines contain many chemicals and heavy metals, like mercury and aluminum, which are in-themselves immuno-suppressing. Mercury actually causes changes in the lymphocyte activity and decreases lymphocyte viability.
2) Vaccines contain foreign tissues and foreign DNA/RNA which act to suppress the immune system via graft-vs-host rejection phenomena.
3) Vaccines alter our t-cell helper/suppressor ratios ... just like those seen with AIDS. This ratio is a key indicator of a proper functioning immune system.
4) Vaccines alter the metabolic activity of PMNs and reduce their chemotaxic abilities. PMNs are our body's defenses against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
5) Vaccines suppress our immunity merely buy over-taxing our immune system with foreign material, heavy metals, pathogens and viruses. The heavy metals slow down our immune system, while the viruses set up shop to grow and divide. It is like being chained and handcuffed before swimming.
6) Vaccines clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections. This is why vaccines are linked to allergies, because they contain large proteins which as circulating immune complexes (CICs) or "klinkers" which cause our body to become allergic.
7) Vaccines deplete our body of vital immune-enhancing nutrients, like vitamin C, A and zinc, which are needed for a strong immune system. It is nutrients like these that primes our immune system, feeds the white blood cells and macrophages and allows them to function optimally.
8) Vaccines are neurotoxic and slow the level of nervous transmission, and communications to the brain and other tissues. Now we know that some lymphocytes communicate directly with the brain through a complex set of neurotransmitters. Altering these factors will also depress our immunity.
4) Links of Vaccines to AIDS -
While the medical profession does not lightly discuss AIDS and vaccines in the same sentence, there is much evidence linking AIDS to vaccines. Buttram and Hoffman state, "Indirect immunofluorescence evaluation of T-lymphocytes from blood samples taken ... after vaccination revealed a temporary drop ... in the helper/suppressor ratio after vaccination." What that means is that immediately after vaccines are given our blood "looks" like the blood of and AIDS patient. AIDS is diagnosed when the T -cell (helper to suppressor) ratios are depressed and vaccines cause that same occurrence. Now is it any coincidence that the countries where AIDS is rampant most, are the same countries which received the most vaccinations? It is no joke when one asks, "Are we trading mumps and measles for cancer and AIDS?"
When we look into vaccine production we see the links of vaccines to monkey viruses, like SV-40, which causes immuno-deficiencies (similar to AIDS) in monkeys. Some scientists feel that SIV and HIV are very similar viruses and may be one in the same. If it is found in monkeys it is called SIV and if it is found in people it is then called HIV. Very likely, it is the foreign nature of SIV which makes it deadly to our immune system and our immune system goes on the blink. Vaccinations and AIDS are clearly related, and the medical literature shows us many links to AIDS. The first Hepatitis vaccines made were notorious for causing AIDS and were made from the blood of the gay populations, who had high levels of hepatitis and AIDS. Links of AIDS to the hepatitis vaccines were numerous in the medical literature at the time (the 1970s) of the first hepatitis vaccines and people were afraid to take them for that reason. Yes, one may fear hepatitis, but we also had a greater fear of AIDS, which was more deadly and serious a condition, although many more people experienced hepatitis each year.
Many other views of how vaccines started the AIDS epidemic are available, but none can be proven with any degree of certainty. Whether HIV is a disease similar to the SIV found in monkey, remains to be seen. Is SIV and HIV the same virus? Is SV-40 involved in immuno-suppression and immunodeficiency? There were reports of the smallpox vaccines delivered to Haiti, Brazil and Africa containing HIV by the London Times in 1987. Some persons have taken conspiratorial views of AIDS, but none have surfaced with any degree of veracity and it misses the point ... all vaccines are immuno-suppressive and compromise the host's immunity. Whether they contain actual HIV viruses may be disputable, they will depress the immune system. Today more care is taken in vaccine production and there are better methods of locating and removing contaminant viruses, but vaccines are still dangerous from their humble beginning and set the stage for many other diseases to follow suit many years later.
5) True Immunity: Where Does it Come From? Nutrition!
Science has glossed over the most valuable point of health, ... nutrition. What is it that boosts our immune system and gives one a vibrant healthy life? ... nutrition. What is it that allows one to over -come the most devastating diseases known to mankind? ... Nutrition. What is the key factor for the recovery of disease? ... Nutrition. What is needed for the body to heal itself? ... Nutrition. What key factor prevents disease? ... Nutrition. What is missing from allopathic medicine today? ... Nutrition! It is nutrition and only nutrition which boosts our immune system and helps the body defend itself from foreign pathogens. Herbs, foods, nutrients and vitamin supplements are the tour-de-force of our immunity and it is virtually ignored by medical science in favor of drugs (chemicals).
One can speculate many reasons why medical science has chosen to ignore this most important aspect of our health ... perhaps, because there is no profit in broccoli and carrots. But regardless of profit there is a side of science that altruistically searches for truth. Herbalists and naturopaths for centuries have cured devastating diseases with nature's remedies and proper diet. Medicine has shunned diet and nutrition (and herbs) as not having a place in scientific medicine. But the lowly herb can cure more than an equal share of allopathic man-made (synthetic) drugs which although originally came from many herbs are now toxic according to their dose and must be tightly regulated.
The divergent paths of allopathic medicine and herbal naturopathic remedies is seen in the philosophy of vaccination. Vaccines are the only way modern medicine has to "prevent" disease for they don't believe in or use herbs or nutrition. Therefore, toxic vaccines are their only tool to "promote health". Herbalists and naturopaths, on the other hand, see the person with a totally different point of view and understanding. The person is taught how to live with nature, how to eat naturally and how to not create the environment for pathogens to grow. When the body is periodically cleansed, disease is not a problem. Allopathy desires to force health by giving the body more toxins (vaccines) to deal with in a futile and erroneous attempt at "preventing" disease. Yet, vaccines cause illnesses, many diseases, numerous disorders and set the stage for cancerous grow while depressing our body's ability to fight off pathogens. Allopathy depresses important body functions, while making the body more toxic. Naturopathy helps the body eliminate toxins while supporting the body's immune functions.
Therefore, there are many points in which allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine diverge and differ. Yet, the laws of our land only allow allopathic methods (vaccinations) of disease "prevention" and not other more effective and less damaging methods of prevention, i.e., homeopathy and naturopathy. Many religions refuse vaccines on religious grounds, because vaccines are contrary to their beliefs and vaccines are blood products grown on aborted fetuses and human and animal tissues. Vaccines grown on animal tissues, aborted fetuses, and cancer cells would be against anyone's fair judgement and common sense, regardless of religious beliefs. Therefore, it is common sense which mandates our opinions against putrid vaccines, as well as religious beliefs.
It is no secret anymore that proper nutrition builds good immunity, when the medical literature is full of studies on the intimate details of our immunity as related to nutrients. The fact that nutrition plays a large role in one's health (and immune functions) can no longer be suppressed by prejudice. The over-whelming science today substantiates nutrition as a key factor in our health. Nutrition boosts our immune system like nothing else can. Field stated, "it is accepted that nutrition is important in the development and function of the immune system." Harbige noted that "Nutrition and nutritional status can have profound effects on immune functions, resistance to infection and auto-immunity in man and other animals." Scrimshaw and SanGiovanni state that "infections, ... have adverse effects on nutritional status. ... Conversely, almost any nutrient deficiency, if sufficiently severe, will impair resistance to infection." Chandra (Am J Clin Nutrition, 1997; 66(2):460s-463s) also noted, "Nutrition is a critical determinant of immune responses and malnutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiency worldwide." Chandra and Chandra (Prog Food Nutrition Sci, 1986;10(1-2):1-65) stated that "the immune system plays a key role in the body's ability to fight infection and reduce the risk of developing tumors, autoimmune and degenerative disease."
Yet, although this information is new to us now, it is not new to everyone. Many people have always maintained that a strong immune system began with good nutrition. Roger Williams, Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron, Adelle Davis, John R Christopher, Jethro Kloss, and many other notable nutritionist have claimed nutrition was important to our health for many years, but were ignored. Profit of man-made chemicals came before the health of the patrons, many asked to suffer needlessly in the name of science when they could have been cured by a simple herbal remedy or a food. Nutrition has been down-played in the last 80 years in favor of patent-able drugs (man-made chemicals). Perhaps, the penicillin era was the greatest cause of the downfall of nutrition as a part of our health. The search for the magic bullet began with Paul Erlich's compound 606, and continues to this day. We think that cancer must be cured from without by a man-made chemical, while we ignore the inner terrain and the body's natural innate abilities (to heal) within ... governed, of course, by nutrition. Hopefully within the next decade great strides will be taken in nutrition and health to make up for lost time. Many physicians are learning nutrition and herbology and homeopathy on their own time. Their patients will be the better for it. As more nutritional oriented physicians become available, the people will have a choice and a place to turn to when in need. Nutrition Produces Health and Vitality! Vaccines Prevent Health!
6) Vaccines and Cancer -
"I never saw cancer in an un-vaccinated person."
Dr W B Clarke, circa 1909
We don't usually associate vaccinations with cancer, but there are many citations in the medial literature where vaccines caused cancers. Sometimes cancer occurred at the site of injection and sometimes a lymphatic type of cancer would occur many years later in locations. Vaccines cause cancer. Yes, not everybody gets cancer after receiving a vaccine, but their body has been seeded with the ingredients for cancer to grow. Picture cancer as a window of opportunity. Once that window is opened, cancer can grow. Dr Vincent's work with Biologic Terrain Assessment (BTA) found that all children were pushed into the cancer "window" after vaccines were given. Now those children who don't develop cancer were (obviously) able to negate that cancer "window" with good nutrition. It is the environment which allows cancer to grow in the first place, and vaccines create that environment. When the cancer is at the site of the vaccine injection, it is hard to deny a causal relationship. Miraculously, doctors tell their patients it is co-incidental or unrelated to the vaccines.
Yet, it was known in the 1800s that vaccines clog our lymphatics and contain toxic materials which could lead to disease, even cancers. Even Jenner himself had trouble with his vaccines causing diseases, and death. He was nearly lynched in one town for his specious concoctions. Our lymphatic system is designed to carry our lymphocytes throughout our body and maintain control over our cellular immunity. Therefore, the injection of large molecular sized proteins (foreign tissues in the vaccines) will clog our lymph-nodes and create problems for the lymphatic system. Therefore, it is no mystery that vaccines and lymphatic diseases, like leukemias and lymphomas, are related.
"Syphilis, phthisis, scrofula, cancer, erysipelas and almost all diseases of the skin, have been conveyed, occasioned, or intensified by vaccination." Dr William Hitchman
"Cancer and other vile diseases are daily inflicted on virtuous families by vaccination."
Dr Edward Haughton, BAMD, MRCS
"Experts say 98 million Americans who took polio shots in the 1950s and 1960s may get a deadly brain cancer from the inoculations ... Researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center say that a virus contaminated the polio vaccine and they have now found genetic material from the virus in a number of brain cancer victims."
Dr Jacob Rachlin quoted from Weekly World News of Lantana [FL]
Of course, anything which depresses our immunity will eventually lead to cancer, since it is our immune system which cleanses and eliminates mutated (cancerous) cells from our body daily. If this is not done, cancers will grow and develop unchecked by our immune system. Therefore, a healthy immune system is needed to protect us from cancer and Vaccines Prevent Health.
Vaccines and Auto-Immune Disease - [The injection of foreign animal DNA/RNA.]
Auto-immune disease is common-place today, but were very rare just a few years ago. Does anybody wonder why one day we are healthy and the next day our body no longer recognizes our own cells as self? Could the injection of foreign animal DNA/RNA have anything to do with our epidemic rise in auto-immune disease today? Bart Classen, MD has done some remarkable research on vaccines and auto-immune diseases, especially Diabetes mellitus, which he sees as a marker disease for all auto-immune conditions. His research finds that the more that vaccinations are given the more diabetes (and auto-immune diseases) appears. Dr Classen's research found that this held true for many animal models; after receiving vaccines they experienced increases in diabetes. Then he carried his research to include vaccinated human populations. He found that in retrospective studies of vaccinations in five different human populations, this fact held true also. The more vaccines one received the more was their incidence of diabetes (and auto-immune diseases).
Now it is interesting that the increases in diabetes included Juvenile-onset diabetes, which we are told today is a profoundly "genetic" disease. Yet, Dr Claussen's studies revealed that vaccinations [any vaccination] can cause increases in Juvenile-onset diabetes, too. Now one theory said that the antigenic structure of the measles/mumps virus was similar to the antigenic structure of the beta cells (which produce insulin) in the pancreas. So when our body makes antibodies to fight off measles virus, those antibodies attack the pancreatic beta cells, too. Viola diabetes!
Vaccines create the foundations for auto-immune disease when foreign animal tissues are injected into our blood streams. It alters our genes ("jumping" genes) and creates havoc in our lymphatic system. Auto-immune conditions are more common today than before massive vaccination programs began in the 1940s. Auto-immune conditions such as ALS, MS, RA, and Diabetes are severe diseases and not to be taken lightly. They alter people's lives for ever and cost more than money when we consider the time involved, the stress involved, and eventually death ensues. There is even some speculation that auto-immune conditions may be behind the brain conditions they see in autism and there is some talk in the medical literature of auto-immunity to brain cells. If the body can not even recognize its own cells, then it has been tricked into thinking that those cells are no longer self. Why does this occur? Could AIDS be an auto-immune condition where the lymphocytes are reacting against each other? What about the myriad of neurological disorders, kidney disorders, blood disorders and the many diseases associated with vaccinations? When we are looking for excellent health, we need to avoid auto-immune disorders. One must remember that Vaccines Prevent Health!
[Note: Dr Classen feels that Diabetes is an indicator (marker) disease for auto-immunity.
2007-02-18 15:28:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous