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All categories - 23 January 2007

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Scripture clearly tells us salvation is conditional. Also, Christians are not accepting the very words of our Lord, of the Bible?

Here is what I asked:

I think you should read Mt. 7:21-23.

Christians beware! Jesus himself said, Not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my father in heaven wants them to do. When the judgment day comes, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!’ Then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me you wicked people!’ Mt 7:21-23

The will of God is to be obedient and repent of our sins, not give in to them. These words of our Lord speaks to everyone. Our Lord, himself, was tempted physically, mentally, and spiritually. The spiritual temptation is knowing the truth but rejecting it. I hope this answers your question. God help us all.

FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD! What verse is this?

2007-01-23 18:00:42 · 14 answers · asked by Search4truth 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I am poor and I reward US $ 10 for the best answer and clean explaination.

2007-01-23 18:00:35 · 21 answers · asked by logan 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

The soldier great, Amen, the woman and her daughter wonderful and the Black man who saved the man in the subway?
Well wonderful? Bushes pets, the woman he bragged about, 200 million dollar business . Those tapes are for children you know for self defense and safety tapes for children, that she makes and highly commendable.For 25 years people have been making those types of tapes, selling them you can find them in the libraries in books, those people have not made 200 million?what gets me is the idea of telling the world how she started her biz and she now has 200 million, Yes Bush she had money to start with? He sounded like the Late Night Paid Programming announcers (salesman)? Why not a woman who was a waittress and brought her children up with the payroll of a waittress, factory worker, a hotel maid? Like he would help those hard workers? No I guess not? So What Was the Point? To make everyone jealous? And she was lilly white as well. All he did was flaunt rich people, again?

2007-01-23 18:00:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

let's say i find a beautiful girl at a georcery store, gym, or a coffee house. and i kind of stare at her but not in a scary way. and she doesn't stare back. or atleast i look at her often and give her a smile. if she doesn't do anything back do i still have a chance? should i still approach her. what should i do if anything?

2007-01-23 18:00:02 · 3 answers · asked by vettez06drvr 2 in Singles & Dating

currently using 1x 1gig and 3x 256mb trying to upgrade ram to 2.5 by adding another 1gig card. pc does not recognise new 1gig memory card motherboard capable of 4gig any suggestions what problem might be. have done a scan on crucial memory website it picks up new card as 32mb windows, iolo system mechanic and control panel does same. all cards pc2700 333mhz. i know chances are card could be faulty but wondering if i might have a bios problem as well.

2007-01-23 17:59:59 · 5 answers · asked by species8472 6 in Other - Computers

and I can go out tonight after dinner. Would anyone like to join me?

2007-01-23 17:59:52 · 11 answers · asked by love slave of he who saved her 1 in Polls & Surveys

Is it illegal to keep the police lights (both spotlights and the color bar on top) installed? I am thinking of buying one and I thought it would be neat to just keep it there to scare people.. Would I get in trouble for looking like a real police car without stickers?


2007-01-23 17:59:44 · 10 answers · asked by Yannis P 2 in Law & Ethics

I am a 27 year old bartender in Detroit at 2 large music venues and I have heard so much crap talked about the city by people who I feel that their negative judgement about Detroit has ultimately given the city a bad rap across the country and the world. Detroit had a secret.The people who live here have alot of pride and hope for their beloved city, there are many undiscoverd group of talent. Our local media dosent cover issues or events concerning art or music, and on a broader scale I think it affects the cities image, and outsiders do not hear or see the culture that prevails here. Its sad the people from the suburbs tell people that Detroit is a dangerous place and if they visit the area to immediatly go outside of the city for amusement and culture. Are they supporting their local communties by talking crap about a city that needs people to understand its not the evil place everyone says it is?

2007-01-23 17:59:35 · 11 answers · asked by madlexo 2 in Detroit

Are the radical Muslim's in this country erroding the British way of life, and before too long we will all be forced to change our religion and become Muslim too ?

2007-01-23 17:59:34 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I feel as if I am a diamond in the rough....I live in a small town in Kentucky and I just see this whole world in front of me but, I can't grasp it.....The only thing here is factory work and all my friends are content with that and drinking beer every night....I love musicals and opera, and film making and fine art these are all things that I love but, if I told my friends they would laugh at me....Sorry the question is do you ever feel like that, and if not and your in a great city surrounded by great things to do and diversity and culture let me hear about it.....I just feel as if I'm stuck here forever......

2007-01-23 17:59:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-01-23 17:59:24 · 10 answers · asked by sunshine. 2 in Sociology

i need help on writing a pledge to stay drug free it can only be 1 to 2 sentences any ideas to help me get started

2007-01-23 17:59:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

He has never liked people outside the family, but has only barked at them--then, three months ago he bit one person, drawing blood, and the last three nights he has growled and snapped, trying to bite me when I put him down for bed. I am very concerned, as he has never done anything like this, and has always been treated very well. Will we be able to work through this with him, or will we need to find another home for him? We do not have children in the home, but I no longer trust him. We have always had such a loving relationship with him. What do we do?

2007-01-23 17:59:04 · 6 answers · asked by aljera 1 in Dogs

2007-01-23 17:58:59 · 15 answers · asked by ☼Scientific Athletic♫ 4 in Elections

well, my birthday is this Sunday. What should I get? An Xbox 360, or a Zune?

2007-01-23 17:58:53 · 8 answers · asked by Dyin2live 1 in Games & Gear

I recently broke up with my boyfriend and it's been a month and I'm totally fine, until one day he texted me and asked me if I love him, there's a stranger who keeps on texting him, pulling an argument and a joke on him, he said that the one who texted me is the stranger and so the stranger did know my number and texted me hello. Ofcourse he wanted me to text it, andI did helped him out. Well it turned out to be his old girlfriend of whom he had his first sex with,she was really young, about 14 years old. I asked the name and where did she get my number. She told me that my ex gave it to him and that she just wanted to say that my ex told her that he loves me, and that's it. Well i texted my ex and he told me he doesn't have any idea that her ex girlfriend texted me and that he didn't gave my number, he just said that her old girlfriend took his mobile. Well I just wanted to know your opinion about this and what do you think is the reason behind this all? sorry

2007-01-23 17:58:51 · 7 answers · asked by Mimi Meow 1 in Singles & Dating

I can be romantic, but I have long hated the pressure of Valentine's Day. Gotta buy cards, flowers, candy, etc., not out of individual choice but a sense of obligation and "herd mentality" as everyone is doing it. Anyone else?

2007-01-23 17:58:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

cause my major is culinary and i will have stand all day and smell food which i dont think i can take. i work part-time and the baby is do in september. thats basically the whole year. i dont just want to work, i would like to do something with my education in the mean time that doesnt allow me to stand all day. what can i do?

2007-01-23 17:58:45 · 9 answers · asked by NatGirl 2 in Pregnancy

2007-01-23 17:58:27 · 6 answers · asked by l04i16 2 in Other - Health

I hate his habit! i've never dated a smoker before cos i hate it so much, but i really love him. He's tried to stop but cant.. any tips?

2007-01-23 17:58:16 · 20 answers · asked by Frankie 4 in Singles & Dating

They taste differently. Can you decribe the differences?

2007-01-23 17:58:14 · 25 answers · asked by ◄Hercules► 6 in Other - Food & Drink


Yeah, smile everybody, that's the whole purpose of 'Jokes' anyway .

Did this one make YOU smile ?

2007-01-23 17:58:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

Abortion, one of the topic closed ended topic because of moralists againsts the on who truly handles the baby.

Whether for teens who had engaged sudden activities, or related to population, or rape victim, or not planned pregnancy to the baby's future..... Mortal Sin Or Mother's Decision?

In case abortion is okay for you, why....

In case no, what's can be the possibilities to happen to the baby...

Against law or religion/morality?

2007-01-23 17:58:05 · 10 answers · asked by Ä?³? 2 in Law & Ethics

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