here is how- tell him to read this. -
1. Don’t smoke any number or any kind of cigarette. Smoking even a few cigarettes a day can hurt your health. If you try to smoke fewer cigarettes, but do not stop completely, soon you’ll be smoking the same amount again.
Smoking "low-tar, low-nicotine" cigarettes usually does little good, either. Because nicotine is so addictive, if you switch to lower-nicotine brands you’ll likely just puff harder, longer, and more often on each cigarette. The only safe choice is to quit completely.
2. Write down why you want to quit. Do you want
to feel in control of you life?
to have better health?
to set a good example for your children?
to protect your family from breathing other people’s smoke?
Really wanting to quit smoking is very important to how much success you will have in quitting. Smokers who live after a heart attack are the most likely to quit for good—they're very motivated. Find a reason for quitting before you have no choice.
3. Know that it will take effort to quit smoking. Nicotine is habit forming. Half of the battle in quitting is knowing you need to quit. This knowledge will help you be more able to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal that can occur, such as bad moods and really wanting to smoke. There are many ways smokers quit, including using nicotine replacement products (gum and patches), but there is no easy way. Nearly all smokers have some feelings of nicotine withdrawal when they try to quit. Give yourself a month to get over these feelings. Take quitting one day at a time, even one minute at a time—whatever you need to succeed.
4. Half of all adult smokers have quit, so you can— too. That’s the good news.There are millions of people alive today who have learned to face life without a cigarette. For staying healthy, quitting smoking is the best step you can take.
5. Get help if you need it. Many groups offer written materials, programs, and advice to help smokers quit for good. Your doctor or dentist is also a good source of help and support. Click to view National Groups or Other Web sites with information and resources on how to quit.
2007-01-23 18:13:11
answer #1
answered by spin spin sunshine 4
Tell him you understand that quitting is not an easy thing. Let him know, however, that you would like to see him try. But be moral support. Help him research the options, and don't make it an ultimatum.
Most smokers that are still in their teens or early 20s have very little motivation to want to quit. Although they're heavily addicted, they convince themselves that they WANT to smoke - that it's a passion! No one craves the taste and smell of smoke. That's just retarded. Instead, they are still in that H.S. or college mode hanging with a lot of others on a daily basis who smoke. That phase will end before they know it and reality sets in. Before long, it becomes obvious that it's an addiction when you're not hanging with friends that much anymore, and you find yourself out on your front porch smoking every day.
Typing all this, I must say I still occasionally smoke. I know better and at least I can admit it. With the right approach and support, he'll eventually come to the same realization.
2007-01-23 18:06:15
answer #2
answered by SirCharles 6
For you to help your boyfriend quit smoking, he has to want to quit. Because nicotine is addictive, quitting can be difficult. But you can suggest some things that may help him in the meantime. Just knowing that he has your support can make him more likely to succeed. Offer to help him devise a plan for quitting — this might mean choosing a stop date, encouraging him to speak to his doctor about a nicotine replacement, helping him to stay focused once he stops, and figuring out a good way to reward himself when he reaches different points.
You can also help your boyfriend by avoiding things that previously have triggered him to smoke — like visiting a certain friend's house or going to parties. Remind him (without nagging or preaching) of the benefits of quitting, including all the money he'll be able to save. And remember that ultimately he has to decide whether he's ready to quit — but your support and encouragement can make a difference.
2007-01-23 18:22:28
answer #3
answered by emma 6
I have a bf that smokes, i told him that i didn't like the habit, and that he musn't stop just because of me, he must want to do it for himself because it's him you fell for not his habits don't try and change him but let him alter his mistakes, My bf has cut down on smoking a pack a day to the max of 4 a day which is a good start it is extremly difficult for them to stop, when you are with him and he feels the need to smoke plant a big kiss on him it gets his mind of smoking trust me it works, just support him if he wants to stop remenber that it cant happen in 1 day it will take time.
2007-01-23 18:54:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I asked my fiance to stop smoking for both his health and for mine. I have asthma and his smoking really makes it worse. Everytime I would catch him smoking, I'd refuse to kiss him or touch him for at least a day so he'd know how disappointed I was that he had smoked. There were times when he would ask me if it was okay if he had one cigarette, and because he asked I would usually allow him to go have one. You have to remember that quitting smoking is extremely difficult. People who have never smoked can't realize how difficult it is. You just have to be patient and tell him how proud you are of him for trying to quit smoking. Everyday he doesn't smoke, give him some kind of reward. A little love note or special kisses or something extra nice in the bedroom.
2007-01-23 18:10:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You can't get your boyfriend to stop...sorry. He has to really want to stop and be ready to stop or it's not going to happen. The only thing you can do is be supportive, it you nag or ***** at him about the smoking, it will only stress him out and he'll smoke more. Has he tried the gum and patches? Cold turkey is the best and he has to take it one day at a time. The first day you stop is always the hardest but it gets easier.
2007-01-23 18:03:40
answer #6
answered by ladystarrchild107 3
Noone can make a smoker quit. It is a chemical addiction, and only the smoker can decide to quit - and even then, it takes willpower and sometimes help from "stop smoking" remedies, such as nicorette, the patch, etc.
2007-01-23 18:02:30
answer #7
answered by Michael, Count de Berçon 2
If you really love him, why don't you love his habit?
Why did you get involved with somebody with a habit you hate?
Ask yourself if you really want to continue with a person who can't find the motivation to quit a nasty habit that pushes the two of you apart.
2007-01-23 18:08:52
answer #8
answered by John D 3
Tell him that he has to leave his cigarettes in the car and every time he wants one he has to go out to get it and smoke it out there. My mom did that to my dad and he stopped. He got tired of going out to the car.
2007-01-23 18:03:04
answer #9
answered by Christina 5
Tell him he stinks, his clothes reek, you hate kissing an ash tray and that he is going to die. Then, get him to see his doctor and what he can suggest to help your boyfriend quit. Your boyfriend is an addict to a legal drug.
2007-01-23 18:28:12
answer #10
answered by Monsieur Rick 7