I work in customer services and I just HATE it when I see those stupid hypocritical teenage/twenty-something year old girls that kiss and hang all over their boyfriend in public. I see it all the time and that is the same type of spoiled girls I see saying that homosexuality is wrong. It's not even JUST the girls, MOST straight people do this. They don't know how great they have it with the fact that they are able to show their love for the person they sincerely truly care about in public if they so wish, but they would get all hypocritical if they saw two gay equivalents who felt the same way as they do and avert their eyes or even be so bold as to say that the gays are wrong or are "forcing" themselves on straight people. Okay, whatever, they are the ones that were JUST doing the SAME thing. How wrong is that? Or they get worried their children might see it. That's why 4 out of 5 teenagers that kill themselves are gay, because of hypocritical parents like that!
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender