What is it with "British" As blind as bats to how we are being ripped off herendously by fat retail capitalists,and a thief government. 46 "do goody,same here" answers,how sickeningly compliant. Asked about : liberating overpriced and grossly overTAXED goods from multi national retail pimps, who...import almost everything cheap from poor slave driven eastern countries, and fuelling a Govt. which openly robs the public by V.A.T and excise taxes especially on all you gullible smokers and of course !, on the BIGGEST essential = booze, that the brits MUST suck on every weekend while gawping at a televison. Wake up ! Look down in shame at your "reeboks" or pathetic corporate football shirts and think of the child slave labour used in making them!. No guts or stance against what REALLY is wrong and how YOU are allowing us to become further part of the slavery that sustains the disease of capitalism ! Me?... smile for the camera ! Oh drat ... forgot to pay ? ! Tut Tut.
28 answers
asked by
Thom Jo D