Not having anything planned for New Year's Eve, my fiancee and I decided to invite several of our friends over to our apartment. Unbeknownst to any of us, at the same time some of our common friends had planned a New Year's Eve bash at their place, but neglected to mention anything. Instead, they had already sent out invitations by mail which had not yet arrived. We found out about the conflict a couple of days later when we invited those friends to our party (the letters arrived that day, too).
Most friends we have in common, though there are some exceptions... who now plan on coming to my place on New Years, so I'd feel weird about cancelling my get-together in order to go to a different party. At the same time, it feels weird to have a party scheduled opposite friends of mine, and it feels weird to put our common friends in the position of having to choose one over the other.
What's the right thing to do, here, and how can this kind of situation best be avoided in the future?
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