There are many things that I have faith in. I have faith that I will continue to breathe, that my body will continue to work and keep me alive without me thinking about it. I have faith that when I go to sleep that I will wake up in the morning. And I have faith in GOD but not in a GOD taught of in church but a GOD that I can feel within me and all around me, the “all” that is everything. That everything works in harmony because that energy that makes up everything is seeking to evolve and learn. And that pure feeling of love is that energy and I believe that there is only heaven and no hell. I believe in reincarnation because it is just a continuation of the cycle of energy to constantly change. I believe in healing and that we are all connected. And I believe that here on earth everyone has a reason for what they do, whether it be from their childhood or otherwise and we judge that as good or evil. I think that everyone just tries to do the best they can with what they have available to them. And eventually when we “die” we judge ourselves and those who cant let go of their anger and hate are stuck and remain in this plain as ghosts. This is what I have faith in.
That is where I have a problem. There have been many Christians that come up to me and say I don’t believe in GOD at all. And they try and convert me to be a Christian and go to heaven. So I read the Bible front to back and started to go to church. Then I started to question the bible and the sermons and I was told that I had to take it on faith.
But this type of “faith” seemed different to me. I felt like someone told me that 2 + 2 = 5 and that I needed to just take it on faith. Then when I questioned it, “Shouldn’t it be four?” and I couldn’t be given a clear answer, there was no explanation than just have “faith”. But weren’t there other people and other religions that had faith in their beliefs as well?
Didn’t people have beliefs that were pagan by Christian standards such as Wiccan beliefs? And weren’t they burnt to death for their beliefs? So why aren’t they right? What makes Christian beliefs different? Did you wake up one day and just know everything in the bible without reading it or going to church? Or was your “faith” taught to you?
If it was taught then why not question it? There are so many inaccuracies in the bible. In Genesis, even in creation there are inaccuracies to Noah. How can it even be true? There are people who try and give logic to these answers, but you continue to question them and inevitable you just have to have faith.
But what are you having faith in? That Jesus is GOD and he died for your sins? For what, so that you will go to heaven? And why do you have these beliefs? So you won’t go to hell? Doesn’t that seem a little selfish? What about the other 4 billion people on earth that will inevitable go to hell? Is that not your problem or GODs? So you try and convert people. And what if you do? Do you get any extra rewards? What if you die and you see one of the people that you converted go to heaven but you are sent to hell? How will you feel? How can GOD give us this little time span and expect us to have faith in only him and if not send us to hell for all eternity? And what if you have faith but GOD still decides to send you to hell? Will you be mad at GOD? How will you feel? That is not a connection to GOD but an unwilling judgmental parent.
Think about it if you’re lucky you have 100 years here. And in that time you have to decide what will happen to your soul for all eternity. There are no clear answers here. There are hundreds of religions with thousands of different ideas. How can Christianity be the only one? How is it fair at all. We are taught to be loving and caring toward everyone. Is that really what Christianity teaches? Or does it teach fear and singularity? If you are a horrible person on earth but somehow get to heaven will you feel good about yourself? Will you be happy? What if you were a mass murderer? What if you got into heaven and saw a mass murderer standing next to you? What will you feel, what will you think? Because think about it, it is not your choice who goes into heaven, it is GODs. So again I ask what is this type of “faith”? Why be a Christian? What is your ultimate goal? Why is faith in my beliefs any different that yours? I want truthful answers and insight.
Thank you.
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Religion & Spirituality