Dear answerers,
I like this guy at school but last year I wrote this really revealing love note to his best friend and now they think I'm all weird because I didn't know the guy I like right now had a girlfriend who was my best friend and now it's a really awkward moment and nobody tells anybody if they are going out with somebody so how do I know if I should ask him out? Should I just concentrate on my school work right now and forget my social life like my mother says or should I go out with somebody and take the chances of getting my heart broken if it means that this could be a very romantic long-lasting relationship that could mean long-life love? I would like answers from guys and girls because I don't know if it would be weird to ask somebody out if you had the history like that.
P.S. The guy I like is always around me, he talks to me, he is so smart, he is my size, he plays all kinds of sports, and he has a good taste in clothes. Doesn't that sound like perfect?
12 answers
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Singles & Dating