Ok, Well I have been having abdominal pain in the lower right side where my appendix is. I went to the ER and they did a CT scan and bloodwork. They all came back normal, until the next day i recieved a phone call saying that there is either inflammation around or possibly in my appendix. So I waited one more day to go see my normal physican for another opinon. I went to him today, He thinks I have a case of "Mild" Appendicitis. I will probably go back to the ER tomorrow, maybe. I guess I am afraid its not really my appendix and it might be something else. I've read its possible to have PID? How would you describe the difference. Because the pain is 90% in my right lower side but sometime the pain almost flucuates to my left side every now and then and sometimes almost down into my female organ area? I guess I just need help, whats the difference? I do not have temp. I have been feeling nauseated ever since the pain started. I've only been eating once a day. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Other - Diseases