Over the past few days I've noticed that my cat gets into her litter box, starts to dig around, then notices her tail and jumps at it. Then she spends half a minute chasing her tail - while still in the litter box - and then its like she suddenly remembers why she was there. So she'll start digging again, then maybe notice the litter flying in the air when she digs and she'll launch into the air and pounce at the bits of litter. After a while, she gets back to digging and will eventually does her business. Yesterday she did this about five times in a row. And then she jumped out of the box and ran off. She eventually came back again to actually use the litter.
I find it very strange. She doesn't actually play with her feces or anything, just chases her tail or the litter granules. I really want to try to get her to stop because I think its a bit gross having her play in the litter box and roll around, and then go climb on the couch or into someones lap! How do I get her to stop this?
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