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this is not a question just want feedback on what you guys think because i dont know much about lucid dreaming and all that other stuff but if you have better information on it please explain to me why this can happen.........well i had a dream where i could controll the world for instance i can make everything stop and as i was in the dream i come to realize that this is just a dream so i did what i wanted i was walkin around and all these people werent moving as if everything was paused and i happen to feel up on this women but ended up waking up from my brother.... also i've had other dreams where i question the people in my dreams tellin them if they knew this is just a dream explaining to them that this isnt real and your not real its all just a dream. I'm not trying to brag but im really good at realizing when im dreaming and able to controll or face my own dreams.

2006-11-27 18:47:47 · 4 answers · asked by sc 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

I've tried to lucid dream a lot.... it's realy frustrating me in my inablity to...

I've only lucid dreamed a few times and they where never intenaly... and most of the times it was becose something invaded my dream and I realised it was a dream becose of that.

I am frustrated about my dreams and there... just.... it's hard to discribe my dreams....

Worst part about it is my name is always the same thing.... it's not my name.. but it's always the same in my dreams.... and I can NEVER remember it when i wake up.

2006-11-27 18:52:36 · answer #1 · answered by CrazyCat 5 · 0 1


Follow my free - how to lucid dream - course and you will soon adventure into your own psychic zone. http://www.psychic-junkie.com/how-to-lucid-dream.html

There’s also this FREE Lucid Dreaming Mini-Course http://www.lucid-dream-kit.com

Potion Mixology is made up of some of the most powerful entheogen herbs on the planet. The use of these herbs date back over 500 years and have been used in success to induce out of body experiences, communicate with spirits, awaken latent psychic abilities, etc. http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/?Clk=1406854

Leave Your Body INSTANTLY With this new Astral Projection CD. The benefits of out-of-body exploration extend far beyond the limits of our physical senses and our intellect. After an out-of-body experience, many people report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity, a transformation of their self-concept. They see themselves as more than matter - more aware and alive. http://www.1automationwiz.com/app/?Clk=1406856

2006-11-28 07:54:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i don't know....it seems in my dreams...i don't have control....sometimes I do realize it is a dream, and I try to command it because It's my dream but it always does the opposite of what I want it to.....like the other night I had a dream where I went on vacation, and I heard someone say the word zombie, and I kept saying in my head no zombies....and zombies attacked??

2006-11-27 18:53:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-11-28 02:23:58 · answer #4 · answered by Spirita 5 · 0 1

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