I've asked this question before, and nobody has given me a good answer. On my 'ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS', i want to remove a 'spyware Remover' and the 'remove' and 'change' button isnt working(by that, i mean the button's letters arent inked in black and that means when i click the button, nothing happens, nothing at all! ive removed all of its properties and everything, and all i want to remove is the program for good!) Anyway, i keep trying to remove it and it wont work. Please, ive alreay done the whole'go to start...then settings--' stuff and MY PROBLEM IS THAT THE PROGRAM IS ON MY ADD/REMOVE PRGRAMS LIST AND I JUST WANNA GET RID OF IT. I WENT TO PROGRAM FILES, NOTHING THERE, IVE GONE TO COMMON FILES, NOTHING. JUST TELL ME HOW TO GET RID OF IT FROM THE LIST ITSELF!
5 answers
asked by
matt v