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All categories - 3 November 2006

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It is almost 2:00 in the morning...should I go over there with a baseball bat and smash their stereo in? Then say "Love has nothing to do with it, b*tch!" They have been playing this retarded song on repeat for 40 minutes now...very loudly.

2006-11-03 17:40:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

2006-11-03 17:40:02 · 12 answers · asked by siddiqil 1 in Other - Health

I aquried some very fine canibus on halloween from a dear friend of mine. Much to my disadvantage I also aquired a nasty eye infection. The details of said infection at its worst point are quite disgusting, and so I will spare you them. I went to my optomotrist and she perscribed some antibiotic eyedrops. They seem to be taking effect as today I realised that my eyes had stopped watering and discharging for the most part. Now I am currently left with a slightly swollen eye that is the most lovely shade of red, and it's still causing me a good deal of pain. I had been looking forward to smoking ever since I learned I could aquire it, and frankly I've grown tired of waiting. However since I am begining to feel a bit better, I dont want to do anything that will worsen my condition. Im aware that canibus smoking has an effect on the eyes which makes them red and changes thier shape. So I cant help but wonder if smoking will only make things worse. Any takers?

2006-11-03 17:39:34 · 6 answers · asked by Ian Rowlins 2 in Other - Health

lately ive been very curious about having a 3 sum....with my bf and my best friend....but my bf doesnt want to...ewat should i do???

2006-11-03 17:39:34 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i dont feel up to typing my symptoms on here, so if you want to know more email me, but I think I may have had implantation happen today?

2006-11-03 17:39:21 · 4 answers · asked by Bride2Be 2 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-03 17:39:07 · 4 answers · asked by ajoy 1 in Philippines

I want to buy:
"COBY 256 MB MP3 Player
MP3/WMA player & USB flash drive includes earphones,
up to 8 hours if music."

So what do you think about it and, tell me if I should/shouldn't why and why not


2006-11-03 17:39:07 · 6 answers · asked by love_moon_bb 2 in Music & Music Players

I am in love with tattoos on a man's body. The thing is I do not have a single one. I don't get it. I went to a preppy catholic school, but have always liked the bad boys. There has even been a couple guys that have my name tattooed on them. I know it is not normal, but I will not date a guy without tattoos. The more tattoos the better. He could be the finest thing that walked the earth, but without tattoos I do not like. I know this is so not normal. Is there anybody else like that.? I guess I am just a cliche, good girl/bad boy. Only, I was not a good girl I just never got caught.:)

2006-11-03 17:38:50 · 18 answers · asked by khaymankaj609 1 in Tattoos

Yeah my EX dumped me for being to shy and i wouldent make out with him!!!!(at a party) its ok though!! it happend a while back

2006-11-03 17:38:48 · 13 answers · asked by bria<3 2 in Singles & Dating

Does any one know where i can get a stargate sg1 dvd? it's season five volume 1. I've got every season on box set set but this perticular disc is wrecked. I dont want another box set and pls dont say amazon.com 4 most of that stuff is region 1 The dvd shops dont stock singular discs any more:( Oh sorry i live in Australia

2006-11-03 17:38:46 · 2 answers · asked by Mr G 1 in Television

2006-11-03 17:38:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Comics & Animation

i was searching on the interenet for some dog things and i found this one dog resort and salon and u can leave ur dog there for a day or more... depends on how long u want him to stay there but not too long...but anyway..i was thinking about leaving my dog there for about 4 hours cause its only bout a couple bucks an hour and he would play with other dogs and that kind of stuff but i just want to here from people if they ever put theyre dog in daycare or w/e and if they were satisfied. so please tell me wut u think of these dog daycares if ur dog ever went to one

2006-11-03 17:38:36 · 7 answers · asked by Gabby 1 in Dogs

I needed advice in the following topics :
1: Assume that you have been invited to give a short talk on how to succeed in job interviews.Your target audience is a group of young school leavers who are looking for jobs.You plan to cover only a small number of important points to note when they attend job interviews.

2: Assume that the principal of your secondary school is inviting alumni to give short talks to students who are about to take a public examination about how to overcome exam pressure.You have accepted the invitation to give a talk and wish to make it persuasive.
Furthermore,any comment if somebody told you that Talking freely to English native- speakers is a more effective way to learn English than attending English lessons in classrooms.
Thank you in advance.

2006-11-03 17:38:35 · 6 answers · asked by Peter L 1 in Higher Education (University +)


2006-11-03 17:38:19 · 17 answers · asked by Jilm_Jones 3 in Other - Health

I am designing a submersibal and i need to know how much stress my hull can handle so i can calculate maximum divig depths.

2006-11-03 17:38:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

Anyone know a place on the net where NHL stats of the past are available. I know there are books but websites?

2006-11-03 17:38:00 · 5 answers · asked by acezr2wild 2 in Hockey

I have had this about a week, I wake up in the middle of the night with the worst pain. Much more than in the day. Any doctors in the house? Any one ever have this, or have any ideas I have a doctors appt, Monday, but would like to know a little bit ahead of time, Thanks

2006-11-03 17:37:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

2006-11-03 17:37:36 · 9 answers · asked by baby portz 1 in Psychology

My indoor cats have not so much as maimed any of them after many interactions. What could possibly make a better toy than a living organism that the cat can't kill?

2006-11-03 17:37:29 · 8 answers · asked by Deacon S 2 in Other - Pets

I need to know how i can read ones palm & know about his past & future

2006-11-03 17:37:24 · 8 answers · asked by Ritesh k 1 in Horoscopes

For the last couple years I've been writing and talking with someone that is in prison for murder. He killed several people and has no chance of ever being let free. He calls me several times a week and I have phone sex with him. I understand on so many levels that this must be wrong but I am so caught up in him, and I really feel that I love him. I care about him so much and I feel completely stupid for feeling that way because I know that even though he says he feels the same way that it could not be true. I really feel depressed now and Im not sure how to deal with the situation. I dont know how to cut free from him or what to think of the situation? What would be my problem for even letting this happen? What type of person falls in love with someone that could do such horrible things? It really makes me beat myself up and I have been having a really hard time lately with it.
I know im stupid. But any suggestions or ideas as to why Ive let this happen would be great

2006-11-03 17:37:17 · 14 answers · asked by izzy 1 in Psychology

A customer give wrong number to his customer care they call me. when I says him, wrong number and don't call again but they call me again and again. Can I take a legal action against them. They are calling me from 6 months.

2006-11-03 17:37:11 · 9 answers · asked by ranveer_000 2 in Other - Society & Culture

two drunk guy´s walking down the steet , when they sudenly find some dog´s poopo , - be carefull dont step on that shiit -, say the first guy , -its not shiit - say the other one, its chocolate, , -no its not ,its shiit, - , - no, no, no, i say its chocolate.-
so he toke a little in his finger and taste it, - you see its chocolate- so the other one taste it too, - no its shiit.-, so again they bouth taste it until ther was no left, and the guy that think it was chocolate say, , - yes you are right its shitt, Luckly we didnt steep on it.

2006-11-03 17:36:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

2006-11-03 17:36:36 · 26 answers · asked by Angeleyes 2 in Polls & Surveys

2006-11-03 17:36:14 · 3 answers · asked by Chan Fai 1 in Physics

DVD player ==> VCR (permanently plugged into)
DVD player run through VCR, ending at TV
If taping a channel on VCR, this means can't watch DVD player on TV (as it's single signal o/p (stereo L & R audio, video) is plugged into VCR, & i dunt want to unplug & plug into TV). So, want a 2ND 3-cable to be "split-off" single DVD 3-cable (which will plug into TV's 2nd a/v input)

The Q is, what sort of spitter do i need?
A) "Basic" splitter (VCR & TV will have 1/2 of singal quality?)
B) "Buffered" splitter (eg "Y-cable") (buffereing only to prevent signal distortion when both outputs connected to a component, but 1st comp. is active, but 2nd is switched off (& is shorted to ground, hence the distortion effect on 1st o/p comp)
C) "Amplified" splitter (eg a/v "distibution" devices)
D) Other (?)

2006-11-03 17:36:11 · 2 answers · asked by prog_exe 1 in Other - Electronics

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