i'm not a fan of bush myself, but for crissakes i'm so sick of the same old tired rantings. i can't turn on the tv, radio, or computer without hearing some anti bush rhetoric. liberals try to blame him personally for EVERYTHING. someone slips on a banana peel they'll blame bush. why can't they just come out and admit it. theyre still mad over losing the last two elections. all this anti bush rhetoric is just a push to regain power. any idiot can figure that out. and please do me and yourself a favor and don't list off his "failures" i've seen them a jillion times. and for the record, i don't listen to rush so don't use that excuse. all this ranting about bush reminds me of a child throwing a tantrum for not getting his way. like how they act when their mom sends them to their room. why can't we just let things run their course and stop all this childish ranting?
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