Treatment options for a 40 yr woman whose biopsy reports are suggestive of her having serous cystadeocarcinoma of ovary after cystectomy of right ovary? a 40 year old nulliparous(childless)woman (widow in first marriage lasting 5 to 6 years and married to a widower 6 months back) with no serious medical history in life underwent ovarian(right ovary) cystectomy 3 weeks back and diagnosed(as per biopsy report) of having 'serous cystadeocarcinoma of ovary'; she is,however,desirous of bearing a son for the second husband who is having 2 daughters(of 10 and 4 years) and whose wife died of hydatid cysts in lungs a year ago. What are the treatment options for her now ?(18/10/2006)
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Yet another biopsy report received on 19/10/2006 states,after gross examination of six slides and blocks of ovarian cyst(post-operation) and microscopic examination,that sections show ovarian tissue with tumour tissue,which is arranged in glandular pattern lined by multilayered anaplastic epithelial cells thrown into papillary fronds,in solid nests separated by fibrous stroma,in cords and discretely infiltrating into the stroma.The cells are round to oval to spindloid with round to oval to elongated nuclei showing moderate to severe degree of pleomorphism,prominent nucleoli's and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.The stroma shows desmoplastic reaction with areas of necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration.The impression: Picture is suggestive of two possiblities:-1.Malignant Brenner tumor 2.Poorly differentiated papillary serous cystadeocarcinoma of ovary. Advised clinical correlation
1 answers
asked by
raghu2 v
Women's Health