it is the same for both... we just need to teeam up.. a man and a woman make the strongest team ever..
2006-10-19 03:56:05
answer #1
answered by cool and simple 2
Women. 100% sure. We have to do everything. Pick up the kids from school, help them with the homework, cook,clean,work,pleased our husbands, do all the groceries shopping and buy stuff for everything and everyone. Keep track of every ones birthday, clean the clothes and iron them for the entitre family. Obviously been a women is way harder than been a men! That's why we rock!
2006-10-19 03:56:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Men find it harder because women can multi-task. This takes hours off their housework and they can put their feet up after. Men on the other hand for example, put the washing in the machine, turn it on and sit around until its finished.Nuff sed.
2006-10-19 04:31:58
answer #3
answered by Old Man of Coniston!. 5
I don't think you can answer that there are times when I know a woman's life is harder than mine and visa versa its like saying who is happier men or woman Ill tell you one thing I wouldn't want to have child berth .
2006-10-19 03:55:32
answer #4
answered by Art C 1
in fact islam gives very good things for women in the second life..4 ex Heaven is under women legs .because women exert a lot of efforts in there lives.
so in my opinion women'ss life is harder in this life, but it will be better in the second life after death.
that is what makes us patients and waiting for Heaven:)
have a happy life here and after
2006-10-19 04:02:09
answer #5
answered by Rora 1
Womens of course! They have more hassle's than men.
Men dont have painful periods every month. They dont have to go through the pain of child birth. They dont have to have invasive things like cervical smears. I dont see many men having to stay at home looking after the kids....... How much more you want?
2006-10-19 03:55:07
answer #6
answered by jessie 3
Women because we have to put up with men.
2006-10-19 03:52:01
answer #7
answered by No-ni-nu 3
In this day and age, I think it's equal. Of course, the hardest job of all is a working single mother. That's hell.
2006-10-19 03:54:06
answer #8
answered by True Blue Brit 7
i hav 2 go with becky g definitly
2006-10-19 04:03:22
answer #9
answered by jackie# 3
men because they have to put up with woman
2006-10-19 03:51:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous