Matthew 19:21-24 says how it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom. Now that does not mean that youshould become financially depleted or even donate your finances to the point of you living just above the line of poverty, but the majority of the Republicans (yes majority) have a "I have mine, you other people need to stop begging and get yours" type attitude. Case in point: the teach a man to fish theory. A Republican will show a man how to fish, and tell him "now, you go and get the supplies you need to do this yourself" where as a Democrat will give them the supplies, fish with them, and then walk away to let them do for themselves. I think the second approach is the best, and it's not a hand out but more of a true leveling of the playing field. Do you agree or disagree that is it impossible to be a Republican and a Christian? I (of course) don't think you can.
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Religion & Spirituality